Canis Major Constellation
- HGS Session dedicated to the purposes of the Krystal Star Host for Clearing Canis Major constellation
Note: Lunar Eclipse 4/4/2015, physical location of LR was Dallas, Texas, JFK Timeline on 33rd Parallel, Session anchor in Pittsboro, NC
Zodiac and Planets
- Capricornus : Saturn ( I Use )
- Aquarius : Uranus ( I Know )
- Pisces : Neptune ( I Believe)
- Aries : Mars ( I Am )
- Taurus: Venus ( I Have )
- Gemini : Mercury ( I Think )
- Cancer: Moon ( I Feel )
- Leo : Sun ( I Will )
- Virgo: Ceres/Earth ( I Analyze )
- Libra : Chiron ( I Balance )
- Scorpius : Pluto ( I Create )
- [[ag:Sagittarius|]: Jupiter ( I Perceive )
- Ophiuchus : Azoth ( I Become )
- Seven Sacred Planets
- Hidden Planets : _____________
Challenge Identity
Challenge Identity - Behemoth
Messier Objects
- M7
- M11
- M12
- M13
- M14
- M15
- M16
- M17
- M18
- M19
- M20
- M21
- M22
- M31
- M33
- M34
- M35
- M36
- M37
- M38
- M39
- M40
- M41
- M44
- M45
- M46
- M47
- M48
- M49
- M50
- M51
- M53
- M54
- M55
- M56
- M57
- M58
- M59
- M60
- M61
- M62
- M63
- M64
- M65
- M66
- M67
- M68
- M69
- M70
- M73
- M74
- M75
- M78
- M79
- M80
- M81
- M82
- M83
- M84
- M85
- M86
- M87
- M90
- M92
- M94
- M96
- M98
- M100
Geomantic Instruction
- North Celestial Pole
- South Celestial Pole
Earth Coordinate Map
- 22º W -- Greenland, Iceland, Antarctica
- 42º W -- Greenland, Brazil, Antarctica
- 52º W -- Greenland, France, Brazil, Antarctica
- 62º W -- Canada, Greenland, Caribbean, South America, Antarctica
- 72º W -- Canada, U.S. / New York’s Long Island, Caribbean, South America
- 82º W -- Canada, U.S. / southeast, Caribbean, Cuba, Panama
- 92º W -- Canada, U.S. / Minnesota etc, Mexico, Guatemala
- 24º E -- Africa, Greece, Europe
- 44º E -- Russia, Turkey, Middle East, east Africa
- 64º E -- Russia, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan
- Equator
- Arctic Circle
- Antarctic Circle
- Tropic of Capricorn
- Tropic of Cancer
Calculate Latitude
- 15º S -- southern Africa, Australia, south Pacific, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil
- 25º S -- southern Africa, Australia, South America
- 35º S -- Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina
- 45º S -- New Zealand, Chile, Argentina
- 55º S -- Chile, Argentina
- 65º S -- Southern Ocean, Antarctica
- 75º S -- Southern Ocean, Antarctica
- 85º S -- Antarctica
Calculate Longitude
- 34º E -- Russia, Ukraine, Sinai Peninsula, east Africa
- 55º E -- Russia, Iran, Persian Gulf
- 72º E -- Russia, Pakistan, India
- 84º E -- Russia, China, Nepal, India
- 102º E -- Russia, Mongolia, China, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia
HGS Session References
HGS Sessions - Clearing Canis Major Constellation - 4/4/2015 [1]HGS Sessions - Clearing Dallas, Texas, 33rd N. Parallel - 4/4/2015 [2]