Portugal PEG II Week One: Fatima

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Week One Intention: Set up Session space that is dedicated to the Purposes of the Krystal Star Host communication networks for Fatima-Black Madonna Network and the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal. ... This Project starts with the LR/Guardian setting of the field on March 23rd, 2014 and runs until the following Sunday when the next assignment begins at 3pm.

Welcome today to our Portugal Planetary Emancipation Gridwork II, our ES community project for the areas of Fatima, Portugal; as well as addressing the False Father archetypes and its architecture of control upon the Fatima networks, the Black Madonna networks, and overall the Mother of God and feminine enslavement that is promoted through religion on the earth currently.

As today is Sunday, March 23 of 2014, our group has come together to unify in purpose of our intended heart service: service to the divine will of God, service to the Cosmic Sovereign Law which protects spiritual freedom for all beings. Today even though we traverse some heavy and difficult material, may we join our hearts and minds to bring the overflowing unconditional love of God's eternal light to emanate throughout our being, our body, our mind and our collective spirit.

As we join together to bring a completion as well as a recognition and an acknowledgment to what has gone before us, to that which has remained unfinished in the parallel time: today with an open heart we accept all that is our divine puzzle piece in our specific divine agreement, and as well those of us that serve a guardianship role to represent Human Ascension/Human Liberation; and especially as we focus in the area of Fatima, Portugal as a stronghold of Fatima networks, we ask beloved God, as God would only have it be, to direct our consciousness, bodies, energies and highest purpose in stewardship of the divine plan of God, Sovereign and Free.

We call in our Christ and Monadic family lines. We call in all identities that are impacted by this timeline shift of ascension as well, to bear witness to today's event. Beloveds, please take our guardianship agreement into completion through the inner and outer levels of manifestation, into the collective human mind grid and planetary Logos, through the DNA record, through any karmic contracts, miasm; into the core soul level, the truth of our essential being and beyond. Beloved God, please guide us in the highest expression of your perfect and divine will, to allow our bodies to be a pure vessel of the eternal God spirit in service to the Cosmic Sovereign Law.

The keys to the kingdoms of God is what we are beginning to learn how to access as a model for humanity in the future stewardship of this beloved planet. Supporting these earthly kingdoms during this Ascension timeline and throughout its process of alchemical transmutation as Guardian representative, we are given the humbling task, the privilege and the reality check, to help transit and assist out to bridge out earthly kingdoms, as these levels of being feel resonant or are relevant to each and every one of us. From this experience we will commune with the forces of the natural kingdoms, with the forces of the spiritual kingdoms that we are remembering how to communicate with; and through learning and consciousness enhancement from our human experience. This experience is invaluable for our individual ascension, for our community and group growth together, ascending humans. We can productively serve our beloved planet and her kingdoms by making ourselves available for this service to others, service to the earth, the Cosmic Law of One.

We lovingly call upon our Guardian families as well as the Christos and Christos-Sophia, the master Christ collective. Beloveds, the King and Queen of the spiritual Source of this planetary human kingdom: with love, reverence and deep respect, we send our greeting of love and purity to you with the highest intention to serve the highest expression. We ask for unconditional forgiveness for our human ignorance and darkness as we awaken to remember the truth in the light. We awaken to our personal responsibility and we feel a deeper comprehension to understand the consciousness of our family; the consciousness of the human family; the plight of our brothers and sisters, our brethren of this earth. We ask from every part of our heart for forgiveness of our past, present and future trespasses, that today with every part of our heartfelt being we serve the highest purpose and intention for sovereignty freedom and ascension. We ask to communicate with you from the deepest heart language to hold the inner vision of human freedom, human sovereignty and the right alignment to the original God spirit to free this earth of overlays of crucifixion, religion and Satanic forces which use the innocence of the people's religious devotion to promote/perpetrate harm and enslavement to the peoples of this earth.

Beloveds, as we bring forth an understanding of religion and the psychological damage this has done which has crept deeply into humanity's unconscious mind, the False Father archetype of religion has shaped the current terrain of belief, leading into the moral decay of humanitarian life-giving values, the very representation of the female principle, the Holy Mother of God. Today we may address very difficult topics of female, child and male enslavement and rape, pedophilia; the archetypes of which the reptilians promote through religious beliefs which has been used to sicken humanity's collective thoughts, therefore infect our individual mind and bodies.

Together we must learn how to reclaim our mind and body in sanity, in spiritual healthy behaviors as pure sovereign vessels of our core inner spirit; to begin the process which allows us to regain our sense of moral and spiritual responsibility to save ourselves from anti-human enslavement and help this planet from continuing to spread this insidious infection. It starts inside of us. All of us can begin to become more aware of the global terrain, more aware of the reality of this planet. And this is our personal responsibility now, to reclaim our own mind, to reclaim our own right to self-determination in these shifting times of ascension. This is the first step towards embodying freedom, by living in truth and by facing the true facts of this reality.

To begin to understand how alien psychological warfare is propagated to warp human values through religions such as through the Fatima network, such as through the Black Madonna network; such as through the Hamsa, the hand of Fatima, the hand of Miriam.

We understand the facts of the physical manifestations of which we see that can be measured as concrete actions on our planet, of which these belief systems influence these actions of enslavement, of rape, of pedophilia, of abuse towards women and children, as well as the natural and animal kingdoms of our earth; that these belief systems promote and influence these acts and crimes against humanity. Today globally there are more slaves then ever before in our history on this planet. As long as we are unaware of mind control and alien agenda, our planet is undergoing psychological warfare through the propagation of religion.

One of the recent things to be aware of as we look at the shifting terrain of our planet and we see the struggle of organized religion which is used as a tool to control the masses and to enslave women of the earth, again as today our highlight is Fatima; this is essentially the Mother of God as well as the equal of the Christ consciousness in Sophia the Sovereign Son and Daughter of God as equals coming into Hiero-Gamic union as an androgynous equal and aligned being. We can see that which shapes the religious beliefs as being direct anti-life, anti-Christ systems of which are designed to separate human consciousness from its true origin as a sovereign son and daughter of God.

Today as we address Fatima, it is also brought to our attention a large architecture in the planetary grid which feeds ant-Christ entities such as Moloch and Baphomet through the use of something called the hand of Fatima. The hand of Fatima is also known as a Hamsa in the Middle East and North Africa. It is commonly used in jewelry and wall hangings. It depicts the open right hand and used as a sign of protection in many societies to supposedly defend against the evil eye. This symbol is a part of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In Islam it is known as the Hand of Fatima; in Christian world it is known as the Hand of Mary, for the Virgin Mary; and for Jewish people it is referred to as the Hand of Miriam, in remembrance of the biblical Miriam, sister of Moses and Aaron.

This use of the Hamsa is traced to modern-day Iraq where currently Iraq Mullahs and laws let men marry 8-year-old girls, to continue the enslavement of contemporary pedophilia allowed in Islamic marriages. Again in Islamic marriages, child marriages are very common. This is a part of the Fatima network, of the Black Madonna network; what we are learning is the Hamsa, the Fatima, as well as its role in the Catholic religion, its role in Islam, its role in Judaism - that all of these roles feed the same network: the Black Madonna or Fatima network. And this is to perpetuate the architecture in the collective mind of humanity through religious practices and beliefs to commit crimes against girls, to commit crimes against women; by beginning to force them to have sex as young as one years old - which apparently is approved by sharia law in many Arab countries.

So as we see today the plight of children, of women on this earth; we can point and understand the dots that connect to the religious belief systems that cultivate these ideas that having sex with a one-year-old girl, having sex with a six-year-old girl, is okay and God wants you to do that. This is the type of sickness that is being promoted in many levels of religion today. In the Catholic religion it would be a different slant of enslavement or oppression in the role of women's spirituality and alignment to God and Christ, however many of these practices of oppression of women and children are what I would like to bring to your attention that we are working with today.

We are acknowledging today as one of our prayers in our heart for this planet, is to not be indifferent to the suffering, torture and enslavement of women and children on this earth. By acknowledging that this indeed is the reality of which we share on planet Earth today gives us the tool, gives us the consciousness, gives us the empowerment to have a greater comprehension of how these forces, the negative alien forces of mind control - promote religion on this earth; how they enslave humanity through religion, through the belief of sick cruel practices to commit these acts of torture against our fellow human beings in the name of God.

With this, we address this with love in our hearts and with neutrality as much as possible, as a station of this network is located in Lady of Fatima sanctuary in Fatima, Portugal.

Today we dedicate our energy, prayers and consciousness in our group session for the purposes of freeing the Holy Mother aspect, the Holy Mother of God, the Holy Daughter of God, which is represented in every female and girl on this planet. Those of unholy alliance which have conspired to use the Mother and Daughter's body, those which have falsely used the Mother's name or holy womb on this earth: we hold witness of God for all that is rightfully yours to be returned to you, as the rightful owner in God's natural law, Cosmic authority in Christ-Sophia, in the way of the Eternal Light, the Cosmic Sovereign Law.

With all of our heart, with all of our might, we seek to acknowledge, to help heal the pain, suffering, darkness and wounds of Holy Mother of God through Christ-Sophia, that has transpired of which Holy Mother, Holy Spirit and the Holy Heart of the Sophianic body of the earth have suffered as a result to this organized religion of the False Father patriarchy that has incited ignorance, wars, crimes against humanity through the negative alien manipulation of religion.

We awaken today to heal and communicate with the Master Christ collective. Beloveds please join with us today if it is in alignment to the highest will of God, in so that we may fulfill the plan of God Sovereign and Free upon this beloved earth. May the power of the Order of the true Christ to be with us in every way. We ask as we join with our group, the Master Christ collective and Order of Christ along with the Guardian family of Aurora: we place our consciousness in service to the earthly kingdom, specifically in Portugal and the location of the Fatima sanctuary and surrounding areas, of which all municipalities and cities of which have parallel relationships to which this session of freedom has relevance.

Our group unified mission is to serve the purposes of Krystal Star Host communication networks for 39° 3755.7 N. 8° 40.184 W, the location of Fatima. May the grace and essence of our divine God presence re-weave our body and consciousness to serve the earth with unified pure white light. Beloved family, taken nice deep breath. Amplify your shield and prepare for our meditation.

We set the space to call upon the group Avatar God self, the Guardian families, the HGS Mercy Band, the Krystal Star matrix aligned to the Law of One. Beloveds we call upon the Holy Mother, beloved Holy Mother aspect. Holy Mother of God, please guide me, my heart, my mind, my body in all ways that serve your highest purpose, the glorification of your image on this earth. Beloved, please help me connect to the inner core of the highest expression of our divine Holy Mother.

As you activate your crystal shield, the 12th-dimensional hub, intend to connect with Holy Mother through Krystal Star Unity intelligence. Boundary test your environment, spinning out the crystalline light. I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free.

Through our session today we pray to God to eradicate misery and suffering in the world at the hands of the Negative Alien Agenda and mind control; that understanding, that truth triumph over ignorance; and that generosity triumphs over indifference; that trust triumphs over contempt; and that truth triumphs over lies and falsity. In the stillness let the healing begin, for we are Unity.

Through this area of the Fatima prayer, we call for an override in the architecture:

"Oh my Jesus forgive us our sins; save us from the fires of hell; lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of thy mercy."

We ask the Christ collective to reclaim those words as one with God.  May we reconnect all spiritual-energetic communication links between the God source, Christ, mental bodies and body parts, through the networks in Fatima:  God - Avatar - Monad - Soul - etheric nadis -  mind - brain -  central nervous system - spinal cord and physical body.  

May we anchor this space fully and completely now. To the North, see the Mother's Blue Flame. As you connect to the North, bring your consciousness elevated upwards to the North Star, seeing the blue aqua light of Mother. I Am North. I Am One with the Mother.

Moving down to the South, coming to the Solomon Shield of the Father. I Am One with the Father. Through the South, coming through the South layer: see the magenta and violet light of Father through the South.

Through the East of the Golden Eagle, we see the golden light of the Sovereign Sun moving to the West, which we reclaim for the Great White Lion, the Sovereign Daughter of God. May the Sovereign Son and Daughter rule the East and West through the Holy Mother and Father, North and South. May the circle be fulfilled in One Light Source.

We ask for amplifiers. The Hieros Gamos, the wedded garment robes of God. Beloveds, thank you.

We ask for grid networks. Our only network is Fatima: the Fatima networks of architecture which span the globe, through all Black Madonna, minarets and Muslim mosques which feed the Hamsa of the Eye of Fatima network. We call upon this Now to be brought forward in the truth of which it is represented through the architecture of the Fallen ones. Beloveds, anchor this planetary grid within the sacred circle of North-South-East-West as governed through the holy laws of God.

We ask Beloveds to include a shadow vortex to remove all shadow elements from our session container space. We ask Holy and Beloved Mother in the true Immaculate Heart that is the true Divine Mother, to assist in transits as needed and necessary throughout this session, to remove any and all creatures/beings which are required to be exited at this time in the Guardian and Mother sponsor of Aurora Portal Network.

Beloveds we ask to apply Core Soul Protection for displaced entities as appropriate, as God would have it be.

Through the Multidimensional Body Connections we ask Beloveds here and now, in Programs and Belief Systems that any and all connections into the collective, physical, mental bodies be cleared, released and aligned into the truth as God would have it be.

Please clear programs and belief systems in regards to the triggers which have been brought forth through these networks, through all ego defenses, through all ego lies, that which has been promoted, has manipulation, victim/victimizer, and to enforce the rule of the False King of Tyranny. We ask every man, woman and child to be freed in the Truth here and removed of the walls of the ego defenses within these belief systems which trigger addiction and disempowerment. In all combinations of hierarchical patterns of which physical trauma, mental trauma and emotional trauma are created from these programs: please assist in the clearing of depression, grief, sadness, pain, bitterness, resentments and feeling doomed and forsaken by God.

We go to the Spiritual Body and we ask that which is connected to the physical triad harmonics, please perform a physical triad merge. Please perform a soul triad merge. Again we are focusing on the area of the Fatima networks, 1D-2D-3D. Sub-harmonic scan and Avatar of Ascension elemental clearing of this area. Matriarchal cleansing through the Mother, Now. Clear the False Christ matrix. Clear the False Ascension matrix. Clear the astral programs feeding the False Christ matrix. Subconscious mind through this area in Fatima, Red wave Aurora upgrade. Holy Mother, Holy Father, Holy Christ, replace the organic matrix of the subconscious mind, the 1D Red wave in this network.

Release fragments; release attachments; release artificial machinery and mind control. Release victim and pain from the martyrs of suffering which have been used within this atomic body of the subconscious mind in this area of the planet. System to system integrate. False navel - clear. False white webbing - clear. Etheric and nadial upgrade to the grid system in this area. Change the coordinates, align to the Aurora Portal Network. I command this space in the sacred sovereignty of the Eternal Living Light. In God's name and Christ's authority through the Trinity wave as entrusted through me, we command this space as a Triad in the Krystal Cathedral of God's heart, mind and body, Now.

Moving to Instinctual mind, 2nd-dimensional area; focusing on the Fatima area.

Okay this is where the Rosary is embedded. We're looking at the Rosary architecture into the Fatima network. Remember when someone says the Rosary over and over again, they are building and feeding the maintenance of the architecture of the Fatima network which is used through the Judaic religion, the Islam religion, and the Christian or Catholic religion, through these distortions. I ask Beloveds, that which is in the architecture of the Instinctual mind through the 2nd dimensional level of the Orange Wave, to be upgraded into the Aurora upgrade. Replace organic matrix.

I ask that which has been divided into the mysteries through the Apostles' Creed, through the Our Father, through the Hail Mary's, through the Glory Be to the Father, through the first Mystery and through the second Mystery, that all Mysteries are returned into the Light of Truth and transparency as God would have it be. Terminate the unholy alliance. Terminate the false architecture of deception.

We ask the artificial machinery of mind control connected to the Rosary prayers at this dimensional wave spectrum, to be reinstated to the Holy Christos in perfect Trinity as God would have it be. Please clear the devotions, the acts of reparation. Please clear the consecration to Mary, the hearts of Jesus and Mary to Hierogamic Union in Oneness as the Sovereign Son and Daughter of God. Clear the Immaculate Heart Rosary, the Scapular Seven Joys, and the Seven Sorrows.

We ask that dogmas and doctrines that have been installed as a software in the instinctual mind of the Fatima network, to be terminated and removed through God's love in the Cosmic Sovereign Law and Plan; through God's will and way, in divine perfect ways.

Clear the Assumption of the Co-Redemptrix. Clear the Immaculate Conception rituals. Clear the Mediatrix Mother of God. Clear the dogma of the Mother of the Church. Clear the doctrines of Perpetual Virginity and clear the dogma and the falsity of the Queen of Heaven which is promoted as an enslavement to the Holy Mother.

We continue to clear the Rosary of Holy Wounds. We ask that which is propagated through the 1st dimension, 2nd dimension and 3rd dimensional artificial machinery which is in the etheric machinery of the alien network, to be cleared, released and removed from its programming through the Rosary of Holy Wounds, the Reparation of Trinity and Reparation of Virgin Mary.

We again ask, that which feeds the crucifixion implants on this planet to be terminated from its architectural control through the use of the Rosary. Again beloved God, those beloved humans which are preyed upon through their own innocence to be devoted to your glory: in freedom and truth, we ask to free those Beloveds from their prayers of feeding the false alien network of the Rosary to the Wounds of God, to the Wounds of Christ.

We ask that which is the crucifixion implants to be terminated of all feed-lines and architecture which feed these structures of the innocent devotion of human beings' prayers, to be re-routed to the heart of God, the Mother of God and the heart of Christ-Sophia as God would have it be.

This has transits: shadow creatures, portal jumpers, shape-shifters and possessions. Okay holding open transit gate, removing those creatures which have fed the Wounds of God through the Wounds of the Rosary, which are considered holy. These are not holy wounds, they are traumas upon the Krystic being. Clear the False Christ matrix of crucifixion. Clear the False Christ-Sophia crucifixion matrix. Clear the False Mother of God crucifixion matrix, through the use of the Rosary of Holy Wounds, Now. Set free, sovereign and protect. We replace the organic matrix, past-present-future. We ask to transit all suppressions, shadow creatures and negative forms. Mother Arc Portal, Beloved, thank you.

We're performing transits, again in the central courtyard of the Fatima station. Seeing the Holy Mother Arc portal assist in the transit and release of possessions, creatures and negative forms from this area. Simple Triad Sweep running through: clear miasma to the Mother Arc portal. Clear parasites, entities, addiction software, suppressor parasite entity machinery, alien software, mind control software. Please perform body retrievals as God and Christ would have it be. Collapse timelines and identities. And we're holding this open for now as this continues through the length of our session.

Okay it's time to go to the Alien Implant Module.

Within the Fatima network, within this location: Crucifixion memories and implants. The mind-body of the holy Mother of God, as we witness these wounds that have been put in place through the holy Rosary and through those that have repeated this over and over through the ages: we ask to assist in the clearing and erasing of all that has gone before which has fed the unholy alliance of anti-Christ architecture. Through that which is represented in the body of the Holy Mother of God herself, we recognize, acknowledge and ask to terminate and remove crucifixion implants and their memories from the left side of the top of the Mother's skull; in all harmonic triad dimensions and through all body parts. May Holy Mother's skull and brain be returned to the Earth as God would truly have it be.

Holy Mother of God, through your left breast, through your heart and through your left knee: we terminate and remove all crucifixion implants and memories through every harmonic triad and through every body part, Holy Mother of God.

Holy Mother of God, through your pineal gland we ask to terminate and remove crucifixion implants and their memories, through all harmonic triads and body parts.

Holy Mother of God, through the left lymph nodes, through the left neck: we terminate all crucifixion implants and their memories from all time and space, through every harmonic triad and every body part.

Holy Mother of God, through the left ovary, the left buttock and thigh, the crucifixion memory and implants: we acknowledge, we terminate them now from your body through every harmonic triad and body part. May the Holy Mother reclaim her womb in the highest emanation, for every female upon this earth.

Holy Mother of God, the left shoulder and the base of the skull: we acknowledge and terminate and remove crucifixion implants and their memories from harmonic triad 1-2-3-4, through all body parts.

Holy Mother of God, through the left neck leading into the aorta artery of the heart: we ask the crucifixion memory and implants, the barbed wire that has been placed there through so many pictures and images of which have been promoted in your name; we recognize them as false and we ask the piercing of your heart to be removed and restored into a healed heart of God. Clear through all harmonic triad and body parts.

Holy Mother, Holy Mary, Holy Fatima, Holy Mother of God, in all of your aspects as the holy Madonna and Child: may the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and ineffable name of the eternal God Source be forever praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in Heaven on Earth and under the Earth, by all creatures of God.

Holy Mother, the Sacred Heart of which you hold, as well with that of Jesus Christ and Sophia in the most holy Sacrament of this altar: we love, bless and adore you.

Krystal Star Matrix brings crystal keys to this area: God Crystals. Beloveds thank you.

Through Crystal Mapping in the Diagonal Channel of Christ: Counterclockwise female to the holy Mother of God. Repair the clock shield which moves in the counterclockwise to the female and spiritual aspects, vertically through diagonal channel. We open the Transharmonic gates in this area to open Mother Arc Hubs, God's Hub. Through the Guardian Host, Aurora Host, the Defender Host of Krystal Star.

Holy Mother, please modulate the points to reinstate the Diamond Heart. Through the axiom lines which feed the Eternal Living Light, please clear dead light, dead energy, and sub-harmonics which feed the Black Hearts. STS sweep. Fully anchoring the God connection through the Mother Arc Hub. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Continuing: God Crystals. Seeing this transmission of - I would venture to say, plasmic light. Plasmic light being directed to this area of our planet, the area of Fatima, Portugal.

Through the vertical channels of the God Crystals, the Aquamarine Chakra of the Earth being seated in this area through the Mother Arc Hubs. Through the Mother Arc Hubs we move to the Earth Core Star, to the Crystal Caverns, to the Aurora Crystal Kingdom and their panel in the Crystal Cavern of Earth.

Crystal rotation. Through the Aurora Crystal Kingdom, in this cavern: Integrate the bodies. Coordinate points. We ask the phasing to begin through axiom lines, as only God would have it be.

Through the modulation of energy flow, please flow organic currents through the Chakra Dimensional Spectrums of the Vertical channel of Earth Core Star, from Crystal Cavern.

Aurora upgrade. Through the cellular structure, STS sweep. This is again Earth structure, merging the biology of the cellular structure with the Krystal Waters of the bioplasma blood of Krystal Star, Krystal Waters, Krystal blood. Merge the biology. STS sweep this area of all imbalanced cellular structures, blocked cellular structures of which miasma has been a part.

Axiatonal alignment into each of the layers and levels, energy receivers and transmitters in this area through this grid system.

We bless the land. We bless the nature kingdoms. We bless all those who may be confused of this procedure and that which is returning to this Earth in peace, returning to this Earth in unconditional love, returning to this earth in unconditional forgiveness.

May the organic currents of life return through the waters, through the Krystal Waters, the crystal Chalice of our Mother of God.

In this area of Fatima networks, we bring Crystal Frequency Infusion through that which is the Cosmic Sovereign Law of beloved God. Through that which is brought to compassionate witness, we ask only that which is applied in Divine Cosmic Sovereign Law, to honor each and every beings' part of this transition-evolution-consciousness elevation.

The Sapphire Crystal of Christ Mother, the Soul Star Chakra which returns from the Earth core in the center of the earth. We concentrate the focus of the Sapphire Star activation, the 10th dimensional Soul Star, in returning to the Mother consciousness. The sapphire light of the Earth core: seeing that sapphire light from the Earth core coming to merge with the Aquamarine Mother Arc Hub. As the Sapphire Heart/ the Sapphire Crystal sends it's silvery sapphire light to the surface, seeing it join the Mother Arc Aquamarine Portal and Hub.

Beloveds, we ask as appropriate, all areas of which have been impacted by the Solar Cross that has fed crucifixion implants, so that we again bear witness to their release, removal and dissolution at this time: we ask that the Solar Cross also be lifted in its application through the Orion star clusters' relationship to that.

As we draw breath from the center of the universe, through our own vertical channel; seeing the chakra column, your vertical channel run the Sapphire Star Crystal light into the central column, into the Earth Core itself.

Beloved Holy Mother, we ask to be a conduit of your sacred Sapphire light. We intend to activate the Sapphire Crystal as God would have it be.

Again, focus in your inner vision within your own body. Feeling the Atomic Doorway in the back of your head and the Soul Star chakra starting to blend. This is again at the back, the base of your neck; and the very top of your crown. As these energies start to form, a merge and balance allowing Mother and Father/ masculine and feminine to unite, bringing communication to the Krystal Star through the Soul Star chakra, of which that is its function.

Sapphire Crystal is the frequency/ the plasma/ the intelligence/ the light which allows us to communicate directly with the Christ consciousness. Concentrate in your communication with the Christos, the Avatar Christ self, the Avatar Christ-Sophia, the Sovereign Son and Daughter of God.

Beloveds, we ask to repair in all combinations as needed and necessary for each individual being present with us in our collaboration today, as well as that which serves this beloved landmass in Fatima, Portugal.

We're going to continue with clearing Physical trauma and traumas in this area.

Checking in with your body, making sure that you take a nice deep breath. Allow yourself to hydrate, have some water nearby. Relax your body. Stay relaxed, stay neutral, stay strong.

Beloveds, we continue to clear the architecture within the Fatima network of these areas as God would have it to be, through physical trauma.

Please clear physical trauma through the Soul record, through the Physical record in this area. Seeing the Holy Mother Arc and Hubs transit and exit all energies- fragments-debris which have been created from this trauma. Fragments, attachments, personalities. Please exit now.

Specifically we address the physical trauma record of torture, trapped, enslaved, and horrific scenes. Beloved Aurora Host, please replace the organic matrix. Please perform transits as needed and necessary now.

We now address alien software connected to the physical trauma. As we set free the physical trauma record through the collective memory of this area, we address the architecture of Victim-Victimizer software to be terminated and removed from its feed lines in this Fatima network, Black Madonna network, and through all networks which feed the torture and enslavement of women upon this Earth, as well as males upon this Earth.

Victim-Victimizer: terminate enforced murder, enforced rape, enforced victimization or killing in war.

This takes us into Armageddon timeline/ Armageddon software / Alpha Omega agenda software: terminate its script commands through mind control and artificial machinery in the architecture of this area, Now. Clear miasma trauma layers and levels, as God would have it be.

Continuing to clear dead light - dead spaces - dead influences. Clear Satanic Ritual grids. Clear hexes, curses, spells related to the Satanic Ritual grids. Clear bindings of enslavement and servitude. Clear the Armageddon software to the Solomon line grids, to the NRG grids, to the Michael-Mary grids, to the Orion grids, the Black Sun use of the reptile grids. Clear for the Black Madonna, and then it goes deeper to Dark Goddess,Tiamat, forces of Leviathan in the Fallen angelic realms.

We command this space in the sacred sovereignty of the Eternal Living Light as One with God. This is God's holy realm. Through the authority of the eternal light of Christ, through the collective Master Christ and Order of Christ, we command this space in the sacred sovereignty of the Eternal Light of God.

... And seeing holographic inserts, just popped out like lenses that are cracking. This is all looking at Armageddon software relationship to these Victim-Victimizers that feed off the physical trauma of people in the area. These are all abuse patterns.

Return to Rightful Owner as God would have it be, to those that may reclaim their spiritual bodies, reclaim their center of divine will, through their still point and heart. We collapse all timelines of abuse through the Victim-Victimizer, through karmic miasm and miasm of inherited disturbance.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

We continue with Victim-Victimizer software, through its addiction and other mind control links.

Assisting in the clearing of inherited addiction miasm that promotes mind control through the victimizer alien machinery and its targeting stages: we see the planet miasm and disease links which feed the mental disease through the Victim-Victimizer programs promoted through the Armageddon software.

Clearing mind control links: delusional, sociopath, psychopath, sadistic, narcissism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, neurotic, psychosis, schizoid, depressive, manic, bipolar and panicked; post-traumatic, multiple personality, pathological liars, mood disorders, cognitive disorders, relational disorders, learning disorders; mental links created through mental diseases of inherited addiction miasm and other relationships to Victim-Victimizer software.

Clearing software through Victim-Victimizer: chaos-disruptor, oppressor, terrorist, silent enemy, status seeker, fame seeker, publicity seeker, dominatrix or dominant personality, alpha male; escapist, intimidator or bully; Princess code, seduction or charismatic leadership, the False King of Tyranny.

Correct mind mutations. Terminate mind constructs in the Victim-Victimizer field. Terminate instinctual constructs in the 2nd dimensional layers. Reprogram 1D-2D-3D. 12-12-12 alignment. Correct miasma. Correct dead influences. Correct reversals through their dead light source and correct transduction sequence into the mutation of mind control and the mental body of the beings in the collective areas of which are influenced by these mind control links.

Continuing, Addiction Tracker Software release: Clearing through the tailbone, fetal cells 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8; close command loop, fetal cells. Spinal cord, coccyx to the base of the brain, coccyx-brain. Spinal column, C1 C2 atlas-axis alignment. Okay, in the back of atlas-axis alignment we have Belial program, Jehovian-Annunaki program and the promotion of crucifixion implants through the base of the 9th-dimensional alignment at the base of the brain, atlas-axis is where this misalignment has created crucifixion implants to be placed on the left-hand side.

So continuing to view the correction in the body. What we are working with today is micro-macro relationship, looking at group body-individual body in a larger hologram; working with the architecture atlas-axis alignment, removing the Belial and Jehovian-Annunaki crucifixion inserts in the architecture through the atlas-axis, which again is promoted in the individual human being.

Correction of the foramen magnum. This is where the skull sits on top the spine. Also represented in the earth, we think of the earth as the brain: allowing the earth to be in all quadrants equally balanced.

Continuing to the reticular formation, the decussation of pyramids, base of the reticular formation. Correction, medulla oblongata; cerebellum; occipital lobe; parietal lobe. Now into motor fibers, muscle fibers, the central nervous system stimulus: terminate and remove artificial inorganic messaging from alien tracker software, Armageddon software, victim-victimizer software; through any planetary miasm, mind control and addiction links.

Continuing into glands: thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal and amygdala; hippocampus, pons, brainstem, corpus callosum, cingulate gyrus, limbic system, sensory cortex: Correct mutation. Correct reversals. Replace organic matrix, beloved Aurora Host.

Continuing mental body corrections. Through the soul matrix parallel in the 1st-dimensional sphere of the mental body: Correct work harnesses and the Vesica Pisces harnesses in the mental body. identify-locate-remove and repair Vesica Pisces harness and transpositions of inorganic alien fields in the mental body. Apply Simple Triad Sweep. Apply all memory and influence release. Connect-correct-repair the 10th chakra to the mental body; the sapphire crystal to the 10th chakra mental body. Connect and correct the pineal gland to its relationship to communicate to the soul matrix.

Thank you, thank you.

Again we're in Sphere 10 where there are audio inserts that broadcast dead light on our planet in reversal fields. Through Sphere 10, clear, identify, locate, remove and repair: mind control inserts neurological blockers suppressor parasite entities controlled by the Archons communication scramblers static fields or splitters. Correct memory wiping technology. Correct false gods or artificial alien control from any past, present or future timeline. Sphere 10, correct the broadcast. Terminate and remove audio inserts, transpositions of dead light, now. Simple Triad Sweep. All influence and memory, correct.

We move into Planetary Miasm collective influences. Holy Mother of God, Holy Christ-Sophia, Holy Father, Holy Christ, We ask to return planetary 12 Tree Grid sphere to reinstate the life force currents through the morphogenetic field, through the solar and planetary shield. All code sequences, all time vectors, through 360° reset transduction in all combinations through the Aurora Host.

Time vector upgrade through the transduction of new code sequences and coordinate vectors. Collapse negative form timelines, body parts, clones, genetic mutations, anomalies and breaches in security of genetics through any portion in time, through alien machinery manipulation. Past dimension- present dimension- future dimension, collapse time, collects selves now.

Return to Rightful Owner all genetics/ body parts that belong to the correct being.

Through the Unity timeline of Oneness, we STS sweep through all dimensions/ time. Clearing the spiral of negative form identities. Clearing all mismatched body parts or cloned bodies used without our consent or permission. We terminate all inorganic/ artificial matrices of genetic record, and command every cell every pore of our energy consciousness matrix and spiritual being, our mind- our body -our thoughts- our consciousness are fully and completely dedicated and consecrated to the purposes of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of God.

I am a child of God in the Eternal Light. I am a child of God in the Eternal Light. I am a child of God in the Eternal Light.

Beloveds, all combinations. Reset transduction aligned to Aurora Host and our beloved Holy Mother Arc.

As we bear witness to this event in deep love and gratitude, we now move into the clearing of memories and influences, that which have impacted the grid system, neural net, the planet in this area. As we call upon the physical parts of our beloved planet in this location as God and Christ would have it be, may we clear the memories and influences in these areas to be removed and repaired to the highest expression as God would have it be.

Please clear the physical elemental Earth; the neural net or grid system that acts as the central nervous system. Please clear the mental body, the brain of the earth. Please allow the soul, monad and Krystic self to fully connect here on earth now.

We clear the blueprint structures, cellular DNA, into the chromosomes, to the molecules, atomic/subatomic field, nuclei/sub-nuclei field, into the quantum field, energy to form, form to energy and into all identities' birth transduction through the morphogenetic imprint of the blueprint itself; through that which is Cosmic Sovereign Law, to allow each and every being to connect directly to their soul and to the Creator. We hold the divine right, God-Sovereign-Free as God would have it be.

Beloveds, clear these influences and memories through the physical matter dimension: 1-2-3 and their universe parallels and all combinations; through the ancestral/genetic memory and miasma; through all other selves.

Through the quantic field, inner space-time influence: Lunar magnetic disturbance clearing. Anti-matter influence clearing. Black hole spin point and void clearing. Past to future reorganization through time field of black hole spin point/ white hole spin point. Calibrate axiatonal alignment through these areas. Terminate diagonal interruption, terminate vertical interruption and terminate horizontal interruption.

Again we command the space as a sacred space held in alignment to God's natural laws and the authority of the Christ in Cosmic Sovereign Law. May we see Fatima, Portugal as an etheric Krystal Cathedral of which is now sponsored and held in alignment to the Holy Mother, Holy Father, and Holy Christ and Sophia as the sovereign son and daughter of God.

We continue with In-between space-time influence.

Beloveds, please clear memories and influences of artificial inserts, audio and visual.

We ask that all alien technological abuse in the use of the Fatima apparitions to be revealed as truth to all those with eyes to see, to be cleared, released and removed from their artificial insert technology both audio and visual.

We collapse astral mirrors of delusion through the False Ascension Matrix, through some of the basilicas which promote those mirrors in this area. Terminate the astral influence or its debris and waste product, as well as inorganic influences of Luciferian, Satanic, or anti-Christ nature.

We ask to open the entire God source link communication from the soul to the physical body and being, as God would have it be.

Here and now, past, present and future integration. We terminate all spiritual oppressions in the timeline. We ask to balance all relationships in the timeline to the events which have sought forth to feed the Armageddon software through Fatima. Terminate the manipulation cords or belief programs through the holograms which balance these relationships throughout time.

Holy Mother, Holy Father and Holy Christ, please clear all memory and influences permanently totally and completely. We eliminate, release, protect, set free, sovereign, zero point. STS sweep through the session field. STS sweep through the time field. STS sweep through the DNA, chromosomal and energy to matter forms.

Guardian Mentor Band, please seal the aura of the session. Please seal the communication links as appropriate through our remote architecture viewing.

KA RA YA SA TA AA LA. KA RA YA SA TA AA LA. KA RA YA SA TA AA LA. May Krystal be in our heart. May Krystal be in our mind. May Krystal be in our flesh. May Krystal be our consciousness.

Beloved God, thank you.

As we seal the field and end today's session, we hold a prayer to comfort the people of the earth affected, deeply affected by these changes upon us in the Ascension cycle. May we bring all communities together in love and prayer towards the loving aspects of God. Holy Mother, Father and Christ, may we help them care well for each other.

For all those here with us today, may we together be as strong as the invincible and eternal spirit of God. May blessings and goodness come out of this transformative time of which many people of the earth may feel fearful or are in pain or sorrow.

Thank you so much for joining us today. Thank you so much for lending your consciousness support to amplify, fortify and join the solidarity of our connection as One heart field in service to God, Guardians and Christ. May this session be fully expressed in the highest integrity, purity, humility and alignment to God; and only utilized as the eternal light of God and Christ would have it be. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Beloved family, coming back into your body; taking a nice deep breath, staying fully present and focused, allowing yourself to recuperate, relax, come back slowly. Take good care of yourself and may we all take good care of each other. I love you and I thank you for being with us today.

And so it is we and and seal our session. Thank you so much.

(Transcript: January 18, 2016, Joyce)