BTR PEG III Week Two: Uluru
PEG BTR Week Two (6D): Sixth Dimensional Mother Arc Gate: Ayers Rock, Uluru, Australia areas for the period of Saturday 9/13/2014 at 3pm PST to the following Saturday 9/20/2014.
Week Two Intention: Set up HGS Session space that is dedicated to the Purposes of the Krystal Star Host communication networks for Mother Arc to Build the Rod in her Arc Hub gateway 6D. Building the architecture required for Masculine Rod Function and CW Spin rate reset points for Krystal Hosting for Planetary Soul.
Today is Saturday, September 13, 2014 our group has come together to unify in the purpose of service. Service to divine will of the cosmic sovereign law which protects freedom for all. Through this planetary emancipation grid work, build the rod project, may we help to assist in the recoding of arc gate six.
Because of the challenges we have today with the holding of our field may we amplify the 12 D shield and we affirm the Unity Vow. Defenders of Truth Sovereignty and Liberation Guardian families serving the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One from across the omniverse we call upon our Guardian families of Krystal Star to join with us now our unification is demonstrated in the waves of omni love we sound our heart tone and group note to you now our energy is updated renewed and forever perpetuated in the eternally sustained light of God. Our alchemical container today is consecrated and dedicated to the purposes of God and Oneness as we endeavor to be the knower of God Source to be the way shower of God Source please sustain us in the eternal power of our God consecration. We ask for gatekeeping to hold this mission, our mission and service in the highest purpose in alignment to the one light source the eternal living light code our intention is unification the cosmic Krystal principal made as an energetic and manifested reality here and now. Please open the handshake fortifying the spiritual links, the communication links, through the Universal Cosmic Trinity, the Heart, Mind, Body of God the core of Oneness the zero point, the source of our Genesis with deep reverence for life Holy Mother, Holy Father, Holy Son and Daughter breathe the Living Light and life code into our created form. We set our intention now to be remembered to that which we are fully, completely and totally. We state our mutual purpose with conscious attunement to the oneness please resurrect all inorganic or false pattern to the organic living transparent light now, to that we say, thank God I am the living eternal light and so it is lovingly decreed.
Beloveds as we strengthen our field please activate and amplify your own inner spirit and core shield now. From within your own 12 dimensional shield intend now to connect with the Unity Intelligence of Krystal Star see yourself moving your hara line to the Universal Antahkarana to directly connect into the Heart, Mind and Body of God in this universe.
As we boundary test our space, boundary test your personal space now, taking a nice deep breath focusing out on the exhale, moving counterclockwise seeing your breath infused with the rainbow Crystalline light , I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free, as we extend into the group shield and field feel yourself now connecting into the group pillar and shield. North node, South node, East node, West node, Aurora, Aurora to our beloved indigo and aqua shield extending out in all 360 directions I am the Krystal Star, the Double Diamond Sun Body now. We extend to the Krystal Cathedral through each Krystal Spire to anchor within our space and shield. Beloveds, axiatonal alignment and correction on of any reversal polarities in the aura, in the group shield. Left to right, right to left, I am Unity. Beloveds, may we again extend to the energetic communication links between God the mental bodies and body parts. Please reconnect all sequences as needed and necessary for each individual and as well our group Shield.
Through the Krystal Spires moving through the Krystal Cathedral beloved Aurora this is the house of which the Spirits of Christ dwell. Through the amplifiers and talismans of the re-animator force of our beloved Auroric family, beloved Mother Arc, Yod of Father God, Double Diamond Sun Body Krysthala, Aurora, Solomon Shield, Melchizedek Ur, Solar King, Krystal Waters, Paradisian Sun, Celestine Fire, Holy Sepulchure, and Hieros Gamos. Beloved family of light please ignite the Holy Amplifiers and Talismans of Aurora may the consent, our intent and authority be made in the eternal living light of God's Cosmic Sovereign Law.
As we focus on a shadow vortex within our own space, dedicate a space for exit and release of shadow elements, black matter, negative forms, shadow bodies and negative elementals. In your mind designate a space where your shadow vortex is amplified and ready to receive exiting visitors now. Beloved Aurora and Guardians we request your assistance in creating an appropriate doorway and vortex to be held by anchor through Krystal Star through guardianship and sponsorship in right use of law. May this be used by all shadow elements of which we encounter throughout our session today. We have 100% desire that all shadow elements within ourselves, within others, within the land, within this geography around us within all nature, plants, animals within the earthly kingdoms, any and all beings from this space or multidimensional space around us, near us, clear and transition through these guardians sponsored hosted hubs of shadow element vortex release, to be transited to the proper time space continuum as God would have it be.
May we join in our hearts and minds to bring the overflowing love of God's eternal light to emanate through our bodies and spirit. Today may we acknowledge the reclamation of the Eternal Masculine Christ electrical principle. We hold gratitude for this opportunity and to all beings here and now amplifying our group consciousness field towards planetary service. Today our intention of the PEG project is to lay the foundation of architecture which allows the dimensional layers to form and assist in the building of architecture of the rod function in the earth body. We ask that the planet's architecture to be embedded with the highest capacity of Krystal Star architecture of Trinitized forms which assist in this planet's ascension and rehabilitation. With this in mind beloveds we ask to clear all reversal geometries, dead energy, black matter, miasam and to override bi-wave polarity networks. We asked to help assist in the extracting of black and dark matter circuitry and override with Trinity geometry to put in the Mother's Holy Chalice configuration. With this in mind we state and open our prayer for the Beloved Divine Masculine, all males and male principle across this globe and universe that we honor your highest expression as the Holy Father. We ask our Holy Father reclaim, restore and resurrect the Christos masculine principle throughout this world and that true unconditional love and compassion for all life be restored in the hearts, minds and bodies of men and women. May this be granted through the inner Holy Spirit of our Mother Arc through the unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness of our Divine and Holy Mother presence returning to this Earth through the prevailing and enduring peace of Christ through our families in the Krystal Star.
Today we enter the spaces of Dreamtime, the spaces of which the universal law is recorded, the aborigine of this region were and are the caretakers and tribes which protect this land and its law. Aboriginal spirituality does not consider the Dreamtime as passed or as a time at all, it is everything. For them Dreamtime is past, present and future the Alpha Omega of infinite spaces in this Dreamtime is the environment that the aboriginal have lived within and and still exist today all around us. It is important to note today that Uluru is the space of Dreamtime of which dreaming is caused and comprises the significance of its place and location on our planet.
As we honor the aboriginal tribes of this land in their caretaking, beloveds thank you, thank you, thank you. We honor the spirits of the Creator beings present, we honor the spirits of the ancestor beings present, we honor the tribes of the beloved aborigine people that exist and have existed within this land for eons of time. Beloveds we call upon you as brother and sister to join with us, for all is one in the light.
Through the spirits of ancestors that are passed on through the bloodline of decendants, grandmothers, grandfathers and totems of the diverse indigenous groups. Through your totems, snake, emu, shark, kangaroo, honey ant, turtle through all the nature kingdoms of which you represent beloveds we honor you, we ask for your permission for your consent and intent and authority to align to the cosmic sovereign law of freedom of which self-determination is returned to each and all beings through and across time. There is no possession of spirit, only that which is held in the eternal power of God consecration. We call upon our beloved grandfathers, we call upon our beloved grandmothers to join with us in this message of peace to return the law to the peoples as sovereign free beings fully returned in self-determination and connection with all that is. May we offer in ceremony in our honor and appreciation our acknowledgment of the plight of the aboriginal peoples of Australia and throughout our globe. We offer this prayer, this poem of “Saltwater Mourning” through your sons of Wiradjuri with in the Alice Springs area. Beloved Samuel McKechnie through your words we acknowledge our honor, respect, permission and consent to the beloved aboriginal peoples of our planet and of the universes.
Bars… Of hearts Of mind Of steel
Alone Unable to
Feel grandfather the wind Grandmother the rain Their lilting cadence, gentle Dialect of spirits becoming
Torrid surge Of anger, of sorrow Magnified in reverberating Echo through hollow void
Of cell And soul
Sunken eyes ‘Neath heavy brow Summon half- forgotten apparitions Look hard, just may See Father the Saltwater Mother the Red Dust He the strong She the elegant,
He who shapes by grains She who bears, sustains Sodden heat, humid embrace Held by countries swathed in grace
No longer! Nay, no longer
Hear Brother the turtle Sister the dugong Weeping saltwater Sing laments of flesh and bone,
Of lost men
Removed from sanctuary And briny womb Of refuge, only bricks And mortar here
And bars… Of heart Of mind Of steel.
To our fathers, our brothers, our husbands and sons, to the spirits, you were never forgotten we have come to reclaim and bear your witness, may perfect peace be restored to your heart, may perfect peace be restored to your mind, may perfect peace be restored to your bodies, perfect peace to all fathers, brothers, husbands and sons. May the grace of God and Holy Spirit fill your heart, thank you, thank you, thank you beloved for all you have endured.
For this reason we have come together to bring completion to all that has been unfinished in parallel we accept that which is our divine agreement and commission our guardianship role to serve and represent human ascension, human liberation as God would have it be. We set the intent, consent and authority made in our holy consecration to serve the presence of God, the Oneness, in perfect alignment to universal laws of God that which honors all truth, through all spirit, through all beings as equal on this earth. Our intention through our Guardian sponsorship is the six dimensional Mother Arc gate, Uluru, Kata Tjuta and Kings Canyon in Alice Springs region of Australia for this period commencing today Saturday, September 13 of 2014, for a period of seven days.
Beloved presence of God through all that bear witness through the ancestor and Creator beings and totem beings here through grandmother and grandfather. In this moment beloveds we hold our group consciousness intention with the highest expression of each and every being that is a part of this container, that is a part of our community, as we expressly request in perfect clarity the inner God spirit of each and every being utilize only what is required to exchange within the divine perfection of God's eternal plan and will in service to the eternal living presence of Christic intention and source. No interloper may trespass upon the heart soul mind body intent or upon others through the purity of our one heart dedicated and placed upon the altar of God's perfect will. Within the whole of our community within the whole of the pillars represented by each individual present within our group field and shield today, we hold together one intention to serve the highest expression of perfect alignment in harmony with Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, may all beings be free in God's light. May all beings be free to choose their highest path of which is permanently sealed through the light of our stewardship both individually and collectively. For I am the Cosmic Sovereign Law made manifest, for I am the Cosmic Sovereign Law made manifest, for I am the Cosmic Sovereign Law made manifest.
May our session together hold peace, love, healing and joy for each and every being unified here today protected, supported, connected in the Eternal Light of God. Beloved families, as we endeavor to move through the timelines of this space connecting into the Dreamtime, the infinite spiral through all that is, through this space within, we recognize certain areas within time of which have had great impact to this planet. It is through this area that we recognize and bring forth that which is the observance of the law through the great and powerful witness. Through the compassionate witness of God and that which is set forth we move to the time of 1787 within this area of the land and through this area of the land of which we very much know the history.
The British claiming of the Commonwealth of this land as well as its agreements that have set forth with sacred monuments of the land to be absconded from the peoples of the earth, that which we understand through the law of consent, intent, authority and structure is that which we bring forth into the observance of the compassionate witness the observer and watchers of all.
As through the exploitation of these laws, there have been those that have sought manipulation of the peoples to be in consent and authority within their intermediary forces, through the shaping of their mind, through the shaping of their culture, through the shaping of that which has intended deception as a false history and false reality.
It is based through the observance of these lies and deceptions that these belief systems through these mind thought forms are brought into question and observance through that which sees all. That which has sought manipulation of consent in the mind, that which has sought manipulation through consent in the law by removing intention of thoughts, intention of reactions of understanding and that which further manipulates the spirit, that which cannot be manipulated cannot be owned, in that which we seek to return the true law of God through this area. We return to this time of 1787 to the time of the colonization and invasion of these lands to usurp these sacred spiritual sources from the peoples of the earth. To that which is brought into agreement first in 1984 and 1994 we look at the agreements of Uluru- Kata Tjuta National Park and the lease of the aboriginal land trust between the British Commonwealth and the aboriginal peoples of the Northern Territory of Australia. Pursuant to these terms of this lease through these owners have granted this lease to the aborigine people and that which gives them obligation and possession of this land to apparently protect the interests through that which is manipulated by the British Commonwealth. It is that which we bring into witness to observation and to that which we present in transparency to the law, through the exploitation or manipulation of these laws can never be permanent, across all space time within spiral time. We further challenge the consent, intent and authority of these structures to be matched to the original intention of creation of which these structures of Creator Spirit have set forth these sacred lands to be protected among the peoples of this earth, the tribes among this earth, and with a return to rightful owner, we now bring transparency to the law, transparency of the law of consent to authority, which decide which forces are used in the internal and external structures of the Spirit through the law of the structure inherent in our beloved Uluru.
As the Avatar of God and Light that I am, we cancel all contracts, agreements and leases that have been made with any entity, guide, nationality or country in any timeline or reality that were not in the highest alignment and expression of the Light Source in that which serves the Eternal Light and Law of One, God's Universal Law. We specifically reference the memorandum of lease of joint management agreement through that which has leased to the Anangu from 1984 to 2084 we move to the part of time space prior to 1788 to that which the freedom of the laws of intent, consent and authority of this structure were fully in activation of this particular landmass of which all spirits and beings were a part. We bear witness on behalf of these spirits, the ancestral beings, the creator beings and the totem beings of our grandmother, grandfather and we ask here and now that this land be returned to the rightful owner, to the rightful stewardship of our grandmothers and grandfathers of which this land rightfully represents their stewardship in alignment to cosmic sovereign law. As the 12th dimensional Avatar of Christ and Light of God that I am, we cancel all contracts agreements and leases that have been made in any timeline or reality. I ask specifically for the dates of 1787 and for July 19 of 1873. We ask for all of the energies of architecture of geometric forms of names and mathematical propensities from each of these lease agreements as stated as Ayers Rock to be made null and void in the light of truth through the consent, intent and authority of which aligns to the universal law of which we represent fully through the transparent witness of God.
It is not up to us to bring that forth which is the judgment or consequence of action it is that which is brought forth into the transparent witness of truth through all time, through all universes in that which the grandmother, grandfather, the father and mother of this universe, may come to bear witness upon the actions and consequences of this particular landmass, the beloved monument of Uluru and that which it holds in sacred spirit of Dreamtime. We terminate the Alpha Omega agendas of which have attempted to usurp, subject, superimpose and initiate the false timelines through that which it uses in this particular area of our planet through the living consciousness entity that is named Uluru by the aboriginal peoples.
We terminate alien matrices, we terminate false matrices, we terminate alien machinery that is used to obscure the highest God purpose and soul mission and connection from past, present and future. Focusing in your mind on a piece of paper or visual of this timeline prior to 1787 is the timeline of our focus, where we connect to this landmass in its freedom, in its truth, in its unencumbered state. It is this unencumbered state that we return to the earth through the termination of that which has been used through the exploitation of these laws in matter and in the lower states of being, within the fourth, fifth and six dimensional states of written language of which has been usurped by the false father gods of the negative alien agenda.
We terminate intermediary source fields of imposter spirit from classes of Satanic or Luciferian beings through all time and space and that which are a part of the predator mind within these groups which have sought to exploit these laws. We extract that which is required to discipline these laws to their natural state by terminating that which has obscured intentionally through deception, enslavement, encumbrance and debt. We terminate redemptive vehicle and crucifixion contracts, their enslavement systems and related phantom systems from impacting the consciousness of Uluru, of the aboriginal tribes of all ancestor tribes and spirits, as well as all Creator beings and spirits within all kingdoms represented within this beloved consciousness of Uluru. We declare the cancellation, termination, elimination of all contracts as they are written through time.
In your mind choose a date or point in time of which Uluru has been obstructed through the British Commonwealth through the use of the NRG grid and through the structures of which we are aware are headquartered within United Kingdom. As you see these contracts as written agreements of paper, of words, of math, of code, see in your mind the termination of those agreements here and now, as brought forth in the correct alignment of the natural laws of God to remove the enslavement of the peoples to debt, on this earth.
This area of our planet has been utilized as a source of energy through Dreamtime which can be accessed through the Alpha and Omega which means the infinite point in the Creatrix in the microcosm and macrocosm orbit within the universal kundalini energies, the Universal Life Force. This Universal Life Force is known by the aborigine people as the Rainbow Serpent. It is that which we recognize as the Rainbow Serpent to be returned to its freedom, to its ascension, to its liberation and self-determination as a free spirit under God's Light, Law and Plan. It is that which is under the sponsorship of our guardian host to return these laws to rightful owner of which we command through this space here and now that the intent matches the consent and authority of the original vibration, oscillation and frequency of the universal law of structure governed under the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One.
Terminate redemptive vehicle, terminate recycling contracts or enslavement through reincarnation. We declare the cancellation of these contracts, of these bonds, of these agreements that have been held in place through multiple sections of the timeline. The primary sections are within the 1984 to 2084 agreements, prior to 1788 and to current time. Through the timeline 1606 to 1787, we ask a return to rightful owner command to be elicited through all appropriate levels of trigger events, timeline events, or causal events that created a consequence to law of structure of which we are bringing forth into the transparent witness of our mother and our father through the grandmothers and grandfathers. This piece, this parcel of land is much more than land, it is spiritual truth, it is that which connects to all time and space and that which brings those that harness its power, a form of advantage or leverage upon others on this earth, and that which needs to be returned to the stewardship of those who resonate with that vibration and those laws. We declare the cancellation, termination of these agreements throughout the timelines of which we have represented, 1606 to 1787, July 19, 1873 we relinquish and remove null and void Ayers Rock, Ayers or any British Commonwealth possession of this particular landmass through the energies of law and structure throughout the time of which are represented through the material density dimensions and the fourth, fifth and sixth density dimensions and that which is fully decided upon our beloved Guardian sponsorships who extract and enforce the law as it is through the Mind of God.
Beloveds in continuance of this we ask our Avatar Christ, our personal and group Avatar of Ascension consciousness please return all Unity Codes, Fire Letters, Time Vector Codes, DNA codes, Jewels, Wings, energies, parts of bodies that have been misdirected from any of the peoples involved through this which is impacted through these tribes here today in our relationship to Uluru, as well as that which has been misdirected. We ask this to be returned to them now in the rightful owner, as the rightful owner in the name of self sovereignty herein stated and commanded into presence. We further bring the transit of these beings by commanding a full dissolution to dissolve them into the One Source, God Source Light, through the eternal love of forgiveness and forgetfulness.
We ask to return all energies and essences in divine right order now and we call back now all that is the self sovereign God power and right. We asked the Beloveds and that which is stating through these commands in the transit of Aqua Portal we must address those gestalt of entities and energies which are required to be removed, evicted or transited from this space. With the intent, consent and authority of God and Krystal Star, we have created a space and container of which to contain ancestral spirits that which were from the creator God spirits of the lower dimensional realms and we now address them fully.
All entities and spirits that have been involved in this mind controlled program and polarity game, are claimed their God-given right, you have the right to self determine, you have the right to own your own sanity and to choose wholeness you have the right to leave this control matrix and end this game. You have the right to choose and you are free in God's Eternal Light. You have two choices now, to return to the God Light or to the time space continuum of origin, which is chosen through Guardian host through rehabilitation into other times and spaces of planetary schemes and such.
In this moment feeling the addressing of certain portions of the areas of this land, holding silent space for this moment. Beloved God please open the channels of Light, as we connect to the Krysthala and liquid light, we call upon Holy and Divine Mother and the advisory councils of Guardian Krystal Star host and family to assist through the transit and evolution of each and every being as appropriate in the heart mind and body of God. We amplify the Aquamarine flame and we hold this portal steady. In your mind's eye within Uluru, seeing the vastness of the internal part of Uluru which moves to the center core of earth to connect with our Holy Mother moving into the Milky Way center core of our galaxy or center core of our universe and moving out into the Omniversal cores that connect into multiple universal creations. We ask that which is fully present to be assisted in its release now. The entities of which are associated within their Archangelic or demonic order are of the Ba’al entities and of which are also known as fallen angelic order of Elohim. We ask the Beloveds for assistance in returning this to the victory of which is the sovereign freedom of all humankind, may that which be represented in victory, be represented in cosmic victory in returning the sovereign freedom to each and every being and that which aligns to the heart mind of God.
Amplifying the Aqua Ray, Aquamarine flame and current, seeing its arcing position in a transit portal and allowing this portal vortex to be flooded with the grace of light. Holding unconditional love, unconditional compassion, unconditional mercy, calibrating Transharmonic pillar alignment through trans time with Holy Mother Arc. Core to core to core align and activate, beloveds thank you, amplifying continually Mother Arc, Aquamarine Flame and Aqua Ray, bringing forth that which is the ultraviolet ray, the seventh Ray, all who are here seeking release depart now, all who are here seeking release depart now, all who are here seeking release depart now. Holding steady the arcing of the portal, holding in your heart the compassion, the love for each and every being to be joined in peace, to leave this land in peace, to leave this earth in peace, for now is the time to leave this earth. Beloved guardians and Krystal Star please oversee the appropriate transit of all entities requiring assistance or transport towards the exiting point.
Continuing for core soul protection of each and every being, again through each of the elements which represent the archangelic the archdemonic or the various hierarchies of the fallen angelics we bring these forth through that which have existed throughout all time and within this location. We ask our beloved Christ selves, beloveds as we apply core soul protection to these families of consciousness we ask that wishes the family of Ba'al, the families of the demonic hierarchies which are a part of this dimension, the powers, thrones, treuboom or terrabeam..seeing these written in my mind unable to pronounce them... allowing them to be witnessed within the Crystalline field and opening that path before you. We ask all beloveds, there are many families of origin, many families of species, many families of consciousness, all is aligned to the heart and mind of God all is received in the heart of the mother, there is no death, that which has provided ancient service, that has been brought into the observer and watcher that is claimed now in gratitude and in completion for this exit represents the exit from this earth. Beloved's we ask for the removal of all entities, energies of these families which have been brought forth at this time, please assist in applying the core soul protection package to these families for any entities and hierarchies that we have permission to represent under the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One.
This is Bellfiger, Bellfeeger,* not sure how to pronounce your name please apologize for that, these are parts of the Eloha and Elohim, fallen beings and there are levels of mind in matter, these are different demonic orders and hierarchies of spheres which have been compacted into dimensions of the earth. Holding the beauty, compassion for these beings through all time and space through core soul protection. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Moving to the astral body, through the timelines that we have represented that have been borne witness through periods of time that event set forth 1606 to 1787 and particularly within the causal trigger events representing the British Commonwealth usurping of the energies of this monument that belongs to peoples of the earth. We bring forth all psychic distortions of sympathetic resonance or debris which has been transpired, transposed or used through the astral body levels within the soul matrix levels of which we are addressing this level of the monument itself, the beloved Uluru. Clearing the planetary trauma connected to psychic distortion within the various astral harmonics and their layers, STS sweep through all timelines as represented.
Understanding some constellation matrices of which are connected to planetary trauma, psychic distortions, Star Logo's level of Volans, Vulcan, Volpecula .... Volpecula, and Volans. Thank you very much, in connecting with this into deep space these are Star Logos constellation matrices again apparently some kind of of psychic enslavement or planetary trauma coming from these areas of space. I’m going to look at this for a moment.
Clearing universal rounds, Volens. This constellation has been called the flying fish, there are two double stars within this constellation observed as Gamma Volantus and Epsilon Volantus, and through Volens and Gamma Volantus and Epsilon Volantus, beloveds we ask all levels of clearing and assistance to be released of trauma, of architecture, of what feels to be a part of the Vesica Pisces alignments. In looking at this, it is a constellation in the southern sky the Piscis Volans, the symbolism is the flying fish of the Piscis Volans and it has six main stars within each of these stars beloveds we ask the clearing and release of any trauma architecture, enslavement architecture and that which seems to compare with Vesica Pisces and levels of planetary trauma related to psychic enslavement. Clear psychic enslavement, psychic distortions from the astral body from the constellation impacts related to the ground transmission of Uluru. We ask that any and all Star Logos constellation matrices also to be assisted in strengthening this area which allows a direct connection into the Light, the Mind and Heart God. Clearing karmic levels universal round one, Templar Blue Ray. Clearing Universal Gate 12, this has connection into France, this has connection into Kauai, in opening through the underground, connecting to the earth core, we ask the Blue Ray to be assisted back through the universal round, clearing the timelines of which this trauma and psychic enslavement and distortion have taken place through the use of the energies of this Volans and Volpecula.
Blue Ray universal round one, Universal Gate 12, clearing, resetting through Transharmonic Gate and Aurora host. What I'm seeing now is Aurora host is opening parallel lines of which this record in time, it’s like saying we’re going to a particular section in the time field where a consequence of some action has created this planetary trauma in this area of the body which impacts further the Uluru macrocosm orbit.
Even though we have a negative connotation with Alpha Omega because the reptilian's and negative aliens have used that in synonymous with 9/11 agenda. When we say Alpha Omega agenda what we are saying is 9/11 agenda or Armageddon agenda it's all basically the same software program. So this is the program that we are looking at in terms of this psychic enslavement that had a point in time and planetary trauma that impacted this area of the earth of Uluru from universal round one of the Blue Ray and it goes into the core of the earth from Uluru and it sort of like seeing an orbit.
Understanding that the Uluru area connects all the way in to the Omniversal core of our universe, that is what Alpha Omega means the beginning, the end , it's infinite there is no beginning or end, it's all in one, that is what Uluru represents. As of course the aborigines knew by naming this Dreamtime, understanding that all of the potential that is there, is there, in this area. By seeking to control it through legalese, this is something that has happened on our planet where the negative alien agenda has been able to bring manifest into the physical through the representation of legal instruments in order to create levels of manipulation of the law in order to harvest or collect energies from different sections of the earth.
This is essentially what we’re looking at in the area of Uluru, understanding that the claiming of this for the British Commonwealth and the leasing of this to the Anangu people of the aborigines in Australia. Leasing it to them does not make it theirs, meaning that it's a game that is played in order to say, look we’re letting you believe that you have control or some stewardship of this land but really you don't because we own it and were just leasing it to you. Making it look like you can do what you want, but in actuality what they have done by creating these leases is create all of these obligations to debt and enslavement. So what they have basically done is enslave the aboriginal people through the use of legal instruments and this is done in the manifested realm. Meaning that it is a manipulation of structure on the earth which creates all kinds of karmic implication to the aborigine tribes in this area. Then it also makes it, as they attempt to protect this land and to connect with their oral tradition of understanding what Uluru really is, because many of them do understand that, that it penalizes them for doing so because their obligation in the lease basically punishes them from actually working with the sacred energies of which Uluru really is. By using this legal instrument it is a way to control this energy, this sacred source supply in this area of the earth. It is also a way to control the indigenous that hold the oral traditions that understand what's going on there and of course give them the burden and obligations of having to provide equipment and maintenance and come up with all these costs when they aren't actually reimbursed those costs in these particular provisions. That is essentially what's going on with the leasing of this land to the aborigine people it's a way to further enslave them through the debt instrument where they can be on the land, but they're actually controlled while they are on this land.
What we're looking at is, through these instruments when they are actually written on the planet meaning that you have a legal instrument, these legal instruments, until one becomes awakened in their consciousness can also have impacts on energy, on consciousness and on spiritual development. These instruments without awareness, meaning you don't understand the implication of a legal instrument energetically, becomes a spiritual oppression.
What we are witnessing for our Guardian families and bringing into our awareness is that this area of the Earth has been usurped through the use of legal instrumentation and through the collection of energy which is now being harvested through the use of the British Commonwealth, which then allows this energy, a loophole of that energy, to be used or harvested or manipulated by the entities that exist in the other dimension. So it's like they get their people that represent them in the earth let's say the British Commonwealth come down and start seizing lands and then drawing up legal instruments of possession and ownership. This allows the higher dimensions of entities that are manipulating human beings to do this. They then can manipulate the energies in the higher energies, meaning the consciousness, the spirit, the soul, because this instrument has been provided and been made manifest on the physical Earth.
It is understanding the reality is in bringing the embodiment here on the land bringing it into physicalization is always about who and what the laws of matter will travel or follow that governance. That is how they have attempted to manipulate these laws and exploit these laws in order to take the source of these energies away from the earth and away from the human beings of the earth and of course in this instance away from the indigenous peoples the aboriginal tribes of our planet who are the gatekeepers, protectors of Dreamtime in this area of the earth.
As we connect into the earth core we understand now that we are clearing psychic enslavement from trauma and histories related to a constellation which seems to have some kind of resonance or transmission into Uluru. It resonates, it comes out of Gate 12, so what's being shown here is that the 12th dimensional gate, at the universal level, this means Galactic Sun level, we know when we’re talking about the source of zero point energy the Galactic source so there's something that happened at that level, came into the 12th dimensional gates of our planet at universal galactic planetary levels and then into the human realm.
So we’re going all the way to the universal round, universal gate 12, were looking at galactic sun and solar timelines from that particular time meaning the source of our universe, of the galactic sun, the core of our universe and seeing how that connects into the earth core and then comes out of planetary gates and galactic gates or solar gates this is connected to gate 12 there's no doubt about. So clearing universal rounds, bringing this into witness, asking our beloveds as we go through this process we are still working with transits in assisting through Mother Arc portal gate and through the Transharmonic alignments which continue to transit. A lot of the issues of this architecture is from entities being stuck down here, compacted down here, trapped down here, in the matter. As we also assist in the transit process we are able to assist in the movement of time record or trauma record or other things that were a part of the causation of bringing this into physical matter meaning the histories that happened and the usurping of certain energies of the earth and that sort of thing.
The other part of the Volans has a pole, what I'm understanding is that Volans is in the south and Volpecula is in the north, so I'm seeing a pole of north and south. These two constellations, interesting that they're both V's, Volpecula is a constellation in the northern sky, it's Latin for little fox it's located in the middle of summer triangle an asterism consisting of the bright stars Deneb, Vega and Altair, it looks like it's by Lyra and Vega so that makes a lot of sense. Volpecula is a red giant, it is an optical binary star and it's called Little Fox. Understanding what it is a little bit, there are two well-known objects found in Volpecula, the dumbbell nebula, a large planetary nebula and the Brocchi cluster which is another type of asterism , it is 214,000,000 light years from Earth in a spiral galaxy with a super massive black hole and has very strong radio emissions that means it's classified as a radio galaxy, very interesting.
In fully bringing this into witness and awareness we ask the beloveds for anything further in the energy connection or architecture between the Volans and the Volpecula from north and south levels of the sky, looking at the coordinates, this one I see. I'm seeing with this, it's like saying Volans and Volpecula are acting as a polarity of each other like a positive negative, one's in the north one's in the south and they are using a type of energy that's being run there. In the Volans we have an event from universal round one impacting the Blue Ray in all of the gate 12's. In the Volpecula we have in planetary round 4, this is much more recent. It's like saying the Volans when we're looking at universal round time were talking billions of years ago and then when we come into planetary round this is coming into millions of years ago looking at planetary rounds and at local gates and planetary gateways Transharmonic Gate correction.... I see okay.... this is about connecting Transharmonic Gates and Aurora parallel gates into these areas for correction, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Aurora host gate, Aurora portal networks as well as Transharmonic Gates as need be into what section of planetary round 4. This is Violet Ray related and this is down to local gate 4, okay so we’re talking about astral here, local gate 4 we're talking about Giza okay planetary rounds in local gate 4 within Giza and within areas of fourth dimensional and other resonances which hold that particular local gate. Clearing planetary rounds of planetary trauma, psychic enslavement, astral manipulation of any psychic distortions and astral body trauma, connected to these planetary rounds within local gate 4 of the Violet Ray.
Violet ray clearing, psychic distortions of alien machinery, reversal machinery, this has to do with crucifixion implants, moving into the alien implant section, sexual implants of alien memories and their structures connected to these areas. Really feeling something about Altair also Deneb, Deneb and Altair have something that feels very connected looking at the sky and this direction here of the stars in Volpecula.
Clearing all implants of DNA distortion, seed fears through future race DNA strands, harmonic triad one and two, bodies one through 11. NRG 2D 4D splitter harmonic triad one and two, bodies 1 through 11, okay a lot of explosions there on a splitter technology from 2D 4D trauma and this is part of soul fragmentation as we know also part of what has created fallen angelics and a lot of the quarantine fields as well as the 666 curses and all of these, there are several things related to that, so moving into crucifixion memories and implants on this one, this one in particular is pineal gland related. Clearing crucifixion memories and implants in their description pineal gland, pineal cages, Crown of Thorns.
The pineal gland harmonic triad one, bodies 1 through 11, harmonic triad two, bodies 1 through 11. Really feeling ray correspondence to the pineal gland to the seventh Ray connected to the Violet Ray in this connection of Volpecula. Looking at something about the rays, going to go to that , ray colors and chakra grid harmonics on the Violet Ray. We're looking at ray 7 Monad aspect rays, beloveds, 84 harmonics, now looking at the amplifiers and the particular amplifiers needed for the Violet ray and returning the particular levels of harmonics that are required.
What is the amplifier needed, Krystal Waters. Holding Krystal Waters, feeling the Krystal Waters in your own inner mind sensing the Krystal Waters as an eternal water sprung forth from the first eternal creation of God feeling that water soothing and healing the soul, soothing and healing the crystal body. It is through these waters the spiritualized blood of Christ flows from the fountain of eternal life and youth. Krystal Waters is supporting the Aurora project in re-encryption and here we are seeing the Krystal Waters infuse the ray aspect of the Violet Ray. From these intersections which we are connecting into the spiritual bodies allowing the blueprint to align itself into the 84 harmonics of the Krystal Waters which is the code transference of harmonic layers these are resonant tone amplifiers, resonant tone amplifiers are all of the material amplifiers 3 D, 6 D, 9 D, 12 D and 15 D, a part of the Holy Father consciousness. Bring in the Krystal Waters with the resonant tone, resetting the rays related to the 84 harmonic tones of the seventh dimensional mind of chakra ray structure and the spiritual bodies that are impacted from these upgrades.
Ray seven violet merge identity mind, Krystal Water infusion, 84 harmonic codes, system to system integrate. We ask for any assistance and help in the re-encryption of ray colors and chakra grid through ray identity merge at the Monad aspect Ray level of 84 harmonics. Please assist in ray body correspondence healing as need be to return the 84 harmonic levels in this connection of the seventh Violet Ray to merge with the identity mind of Christ and God.
Simple triad sweep running through Monad aspect Ray 84 harmonics clear miasma, addiction, parasites, entities, suppressors, alien software machinery and their mind control. We ask to perform any body retrievals and return to rightful owner and core soul protection and to collapse time and alien timelines, false timelines or inorganic timelines fully sealing, protecting the aura of this ray.
This has Crystal connections we're going to move into Crystal Keys, Violet crystal. Violet crystal connect to correct and perform diagonal channel mapping and Crystal mapping, please. Clockwise male alignment, repair clock shield. Please perform Aurora upgrades and attend to the Master Key codes to allow the anchoring of these shields into the repaired clock shield template through guardian Krystal Star host aligning through God connection and the Transharmonic gate, as well as the Aurora portal gates. Ray body correspondence healing on Crystal Star body to the seven dimensional crystal and the mental body, in the mental body please correct clock shield template and perform identity merge. We ask for the integration of replacing organic matrix through the upgrades that are present through our beloved Aurora. More timeline collapsing, STS sweep timeline collapsing in the mental body of Violet crystal, Violet ray areas, clock shield template upgrade, clock shield blueprint upgrade, these are master number code sets coming in through the resonant tone keys of Krystal Star , repairing clock shield templates, calculating number sequence. Correction of energy receivers and transmitters into mental body, brain mind integration through the identity merge, correction of electron disturbances, reversal disturbances, split electrons attempting Metatronic repair through clock shield identity merge. Accretion of energy into kundalini flow of the tri-wave braid of kundalini through this current ,123456, this is the higher trinitized form of the kundalini current through its energy flow clock shield template and identity merge correction through the mental bodies correcting kundalini patterns through harmonic tone keys, resonant tone keys, Krystal Water saturation.
STS sweep any false alien architecture. Moving into blueprints, in a level two multidimensional body connection blueprint, correction between collective mind, ancestral genetic. Beloveds continuing on blueprint clearing of any archetypal influences which have overlays of machinery or mind control through the collective mind ancestral genetic. Correction in several layers from the merging of the universal chakra of the Father ray into the crown chakra seventh Violet Ray, as God would have it be. Correction of the blueprint chakra ray structure, thank you. Now correction of particle ray with the plasma ray in its rotation axis alignment please perform attunement of rotation access through both electrical and magnetic rotation axis spin through proper master tone key base 12, thank you, thank you, thank you. In the blueprint and recognizing some of the soul body egos that have been created in this area are Arcturian and moon chain. Moon chain and Arcturian egos that are a part of this area of the Uluru connection to this Violet ray, looking at these egos as a type of collective body that has been brought together, there is a part of viewing this transit from Uluru and this earth, these are, I would explain this I guess, as as entities that have been trapped here but it's like looking at their mind body only, it's just their mental body, there is no spirit body, there is no material body. It's like looking at, as we understand thoughts are things, the mind comprises substance, I'm looking at mind substance in a amorphous type of form of moon chain egos and Arcturian egos in a space in this area of the earth.
A type of recognizing this conglomeration of confusion because it's really what it looks like just splinters of confusion of thoughts but it's actually mind bodies or egos is the best way I can describe this. Clearing moon chain egos, this connects into several planets that resonate with this Violet ray. We are looking at a connector point where Uluru had, it's like when you're looking at circuits and how the circuits connect to various networks of planetary gate systems on earth. Through these constellations that were just brought to our attention we see that these connections then create circuits of energy that come out in different locations of the planet. So at some point in the circuit related to Volpecula that circuit holds a compression at one point in its channel of these moon chain and Arcturian egos, it's like saying something got caught there in its movement. What it looks like is a being or races splintered mind from some kind of trauma, when trauma occurs from soul fragmentation or any kind of splitting or fragmentation, the splitter tech's do this, it sort of like splits apart pieces of the mental body of someone or something, that's what I'm looking at because it's disembodied it's not connected to anything it's just this sort of splinter of mind mass substance coming from some trauma that had happened where this part of the body got detached from another part of the body. Understanding moon chain egos is interesting moon chain egos, part of the lunar force entities, a part of the sexual misery programs, a part of extracting those particular energies keeping the genders separate is very much a part of the moon chain and the NRG grid which clearly Uluru's energies were being harnessed for portions of that power source returning that energy to the United Kingdom areas. Clearing that and bringing that into our understanding.
Correction of the crucifixion memories and implants which have been put in these types of Rosy Cross patterns across the earth it's like saying the Rosy Cross patterns tend to act as collecting stations for harvesting some of the planetary gates and power vortices of our earth. The Earth has these massive Stargates some of them are more active than others at this time, in understanding the planet's brain and grid system has been compromised we have certain areas of the Earth, the Earth brain, Earth logos, the Earth grid that is damaged or destroyed or browned out, not able to carry certain frequencies and then you have other areas where the damage is not impacted as much. These Rosy Cross patterns these crucifixion networks tend to be intermediary stations of moving energy to and fro so to speak, they work as a harvesting agent of keeping entities trapped in a time and space, meaning that it served as a reincarnation tool. The being was trapped somewhere or stuck on the architecture itself and it's energy harvested but also seeing this power vortex being culled from Uluru is also feeding some of these crucifixion or Rosy Cross patterns in the earth as well as human beings.
Certainly one of the first tributaries is the lease agreement which instates a type of debt enslavement to the beings that work in that area, so it's like saying they have penalized the people that live on the land and in a sense it would be like saying there's a forced barrenness where the person who is on the land is actually being extracted of their energy through this whole system of debt enslavement. This is the purpose of our session today to bring witness to this and to as well bring compassionate witness. I hesitate to use a word judgment because that is not accurate in the human understanding but it is understanding that all has to be balanced and accounted for. I've really gotten the sense as we come into a Uluru today there is a accounting being done and this accounting is being done in the transparent truth, meaning that which has been extracted through means of deception, lying, abusing and exploiting the law, there will be justice brought to that and this is not a punishment it's not justice in the way that we understand it on planet earth it's understanding that there are universal laws of governing creation and that these laws at a certain level at the end of the cycle must be brought into balance again and brought into alignment to the God source. That's exactly what's happening here, there is a bearing of witness to what has occurred to this area of the earth and its impact to the peoples of the earth and this is being accounted for and it is not up to us of course, in our human mind especially, to understand what the justice of that will be, what the consequence of that will be. In understanding through the compassionate witnessing, that the eviction and time for entities, that have been either stuck or using the space, must be moved and transited and as these entities are moved and transited it reveals memories and events that have been unknown in the collective consciousness of human beings. This becomes brought into awareness, it's like saying that all is seen, all is hidden, the transparent truth is brought into the light and that is what we are witnessing here today. Understanding that we are we are bearing witness to the transgression of the intention behind why these particular instruments were put into place and how they have been used to benefit certain classes of entities and beings who have put this machinery there.
So the intent behind the machinery or the causation of events, it's always about the intent. It's about what was this put there for, what was its purpose, and whether that purpose.... when the purpose of something is created with something that is genuinely heartfelt even though it may have twists and turns and it can get you served, that is never a justice. Meaning there is never a justice sought, the issue is when something is exploited to enslavement and possession and ownership and severely created damage within a creational source then it becomes a form of violation and abuse of the law and that is what is being brought into the compassionate witness of the universal laws of God through the use and appropriate stewardship of the consciousness and the power source that is located in Uluru. Uluru is a massive power source on this earth and there are those that have used it for their own exploitations and so that is what the point is of today.
Continuing the understanding of the crucifixion connections the primary one for today is the pineal gland and the pineal cages that come as a part of the crucifixion implants within this harmonic triad. I'm really getting no permission to go any further on crucifixion memories but to understand more deeply the impact of the seventh ray, the Violet ray's relationship to the activation of the Father principle and the pineal gland. The newsletter this month talked a little bit about that when we understand the masculine feminine of the poles the pituitary being female, the pineal being masculine, the male and female coming together. What we are witnessing through this particular area of Uluru, a lot has transpired, but in our dedication, our heart, soul, mind and might, to be of service to the Cosmic Sovereign of God and the Divine mind and will of God through the power and authority of Krystal Star and Christ in bringing this into awareness we can play an important part in consciousness in our awareness of bearing witness to something that has occurred on our planet which helps the collective consciousness of humanity be able to, at some point in the history of the evolution, be able to be given and reclaimed in that sovereignty because becoming God Sovereign Free reclaiming self-determination and sovereignty is knowing the truth. Christ is a true spirit, God is a true spirit, seeing the truth through a place of non-judgment but nonetheless understanding that when there are energies that have been severely out of balance or abused, that have created harm to creation, those energies at some point in the cycle have to be re-balanced they have to be accounted for they have to be reconstituted, re-assimilated this is what we are witnessing here today. This area of Uluru has reached a point in time, where in the time cycles we were given permission and allowed to bear witness to levels in relatively recent timelines where structures of architecture had been put in place in this area in order to harvest energies for the negative alien agenda related to Alpha Omega agenda and Armageddon agenda and the NRG main structure which is headquartered in the United Kingdom.
In that love and blessing and appreciation of having the honor and privilege taking a moment to ask our beloveds, feeling that we have been working on transiting a lot of planetary miasma influences but I'm feeling now as we are coming to completion with our session here today that we need to now work with the memories and influences to assist in the clearing of those influences from what we have set apart through witness here today.
Beloved God as we move through the ending part of our session we bring forth that we still hold Aquamarine flame and current of the portal of our beloved Mother to assist in the Transharmonic gate of transit of the entities that have been set forth in their calling, with intent, consent and authority in assisting that release through the Aqua portal, this will remain in continuance until God and Krystal Star sponsorship tell us that it is complete. For now we will address the memories and influences of which are set forth in the sacred container of our session.
Beloveds clearing memories and influences from, we' re connecting to Uluru, connecting to Uluru as a body as an entity as a living consciousness. Clearing the body of Uluru, from the core of the Earth, through the core of the universes may the sacred sovereignty of this sacred spirit be returned in sovereign freedom and liberation. We ask this be taken as God would have it be, through the morphogenetic imprints of all blueprint structures which have been set forth through our session here today. Energy to form, form to energy, through all quantum levels, within the timelines of correction here today we know them in the Soul dimension, the Monad dimension, through all combinations ancestral genetic influences of these timelines have their bearing upon the existences we ask all combinations of timelines memories and influences to be healed, cleared in unified as God would have it be. Continuing the clearing of quantic field impact, clearing dead energy influences, clearing black matter influences, clearing all birth transduction interference or damage in the original 12 tree grid and clearing bi-wave influences, Vesica Pisces and their various geometries, clearing all electrostatic disturbances in this field. Continuing, in between space time, the shadow and negative elementals is continuing to move through, so we'll do past, present, future integration and the in between space-time influence into this moment of self.
Slavery tags, taggers through their false God implants and religious implants being released through all of the various peoples and tribes which are impacted through those particular implants we ask for that specific individual clearing for each of those beings as God would have it be. Please perform a level 2 seven category sweep in general clearing between the un-manifest to manifested fields within in-between space time. Outer space time influence the external impact neurological correction and this is planetary grid, seeing Uluru fully active in its neural net , thinking of Uluru as having its own brain, seeing the neural net fire and activate a lightening spark, igniting the neurological system of Uluru as a cosmic ancient eternal being. The Mother within the Uluru the heart of Mother receives all, the heart of Mother receives all, the heart and Mother receives all, all ancestral spirits, all natural spirits, in deep gratitude for your service, your sovereign freedom is claimed and consecrated in the God Source Light. As we clear spiritual oppressions in time into this timeline now, calibrate the Transharmonic pillar alignment with our Holy Divine Mother.
Please clear all memory and influences permanently and completely, eliminate, release, protect, set free, sovereign and zero point. Beloveds as we do a final STS sweep, we collapse the time fields and we seal the aura to end our session.
Beloved family thank you so much for joining us today, we seal and end our communication now as we seal the field, feel yourself now stepping outside of the group shield. Taking a moment, nice deep breaths, with each breath breathing in the rainbow Crystalline cleansing light. Be at peace, may God Sovereign Light fill your heart, your mind and your body, with eternal love and peace.
To all beloved families gathered here today, thank you, thank you, thank you. We seal and end our session as sacred, we seal and end our communication into the light of Unity, Wholeness and Truth. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- transcribers note: from the ascension glossary
(Transcript: January 29, 2016, Laura)