BTR PEG III Week Four: Cornwall

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PEG BTR Week Four (12D): Twelfth Dimensional Mother Arc Gate: Cornwall, UK area for the period of Saturday 9/27/2014 at 3pm PST. This is the final capstone of the 369 project. Cornwall is a peninsula bordered to the north and west by the Celtic Sea,to the south by the English Channel, and to the east by the county of Devon, over the River Tamar.

Week Four Intention: Set up HGS Session space that is dedicated to the Purposes of the Krystal Star Host communication networks for Mother Arc to Build the Rod in her Arc Hub gateway 12D. Building the architecture required for Masculine Rod Function and CW Spin rate reset points for Krystal Hosting for Planetary Soul.

Welcome. Today is Saturday September 27 of, 2014 and our group has come together to unify in purpose of service. Service to the divine will of the cosmic sovereign law which protects freedom for all, through our planetary emancipation grid work the Build the Rod project to help recode arc gates 3-6-9 and today 12. Again, may we join in our heart and our mind to bring the overflowing love of God's eternal light emanate throughout our bodies and spirit. May we acknowledge the reclamation of the masculine Christ electrical principle and field, the 12:12 spinning field and base pulse rhythm.

Thank you so much for being here today and helping to support and amplify our group consciousness field and shield towards planetary service. With this in mind as we open our prayer today for beloved divine masculine all males across the globe, we honor your highest expression as holy father, and we ask the holy father to reclaim, restore and resurrect, the peaceful Christos masculine principle throughout this world. The true unconditional love and compassion for all of life be restored in the hearts, minds and bodies of both men and women. Today we address causal events of war, enemy patterning and the weapons of war that are used to harm, hurt and destroy human hearts, human souls, as well as human bodies. May this be granted through the inner holy spirit of our Mother the unconditional love and forgiveness of the divine and holy Mother presence returning to this earth through the prevailing and enduring peace of Christ, our families and Krystal Star and Aurora.

For this reason we have come together today, and now, to bring completion to all that has been unfinished in the parallel timelines. We accept that is our divine agreement and guardianship role to serve and represent human ascension, human liberation, as God would have it be. We set the pure intent, consent and authority to be made in our holy consecration today, through that which is generated and created through this session in architecture, geometric geomancies, and living consciousness, is consecrated and dedicated to serve the holy presence of God in oneness. The spirits of Christos in perfect attunement and alignment to the Universal Law of God.

Today as we dedicate our planetary emancipation grid work Build the Rod week 4 the 12th dimensional Mother Arc gate in the Cornwall, United Kingdom area, for a seven day period beginning today. This is our final capstone, for this project. Cornwall is a peninsula bordered the north and west by the Celtic Sea, and to the south by the English Channel. To the east by the county of Devon over the River Tamar. It is the point of origin of the trigger events and lines that connect into the histories of the Luciferian Rebellion and the sons of Belial that created the nephilim in this area.

As we set our intention fully to set our space dedicated to the purposes of Krystal Star host communication networks for Mother Arc to Build the Rod in her arc hub gateway in this 12th dimensional layer. Today we intend to build the architecture required for masculine rod function and proper clockwise spin rate, and reset points for an in-service to Krystal Star hosting for planetary soul. We hold our group intention with the highest expression of each and every being that is a part our ES community container, and we expressly request in perfect clarity that the inner God spirit of each and every being, utilize only what is required and exchange only that which is within the divine perfection of God's eternal plan and will. In service to the eternal living presence of Krystic intention and source. No interloper may trespass upon our hearts intention or upon others to the purity of our one heart which is dedicated and placed upon the altar of God's perfect will. Within the whole of our community today and the pillars represented through each individual present within our group intention and field, we hold together one intention to serve the highest expression of perfect alignment in harmony with the cosmic sovereign law of one. May all beings be free, in God's light, to choose their highest path which is permanently sealed through the light of our stewardship both individually and collectively for I am God. I am sovereign. I am free. We hold a special gratitude and appreciation for our brotherhood and sisterhood with all of our beloved Krystal Star teams and advisory councils from the earth core to the Aquaferion, through the sky, to the Aurora cloud ships, to our Aurora elemental families and into the Christos family shield around the magnetosphere and into Andromedan core. Thank you thank you thank you. It is in our awareness that today represents timelines of war. Many wars that have brought terrible suffering and pain to this earth. It is today that we hold in our hearts prayers for perfect peace, and that peace of God, peace of inner stillness, peace of the hearts of humanity return. No matter what beliefs, race or religion, dear presence of God we represent humanity, as living in peace on this earth and we hold the timeline of ascension for all human beings, for all of this earth, to be free. Beloved presence of loving God on this earth we have observed hatred, jealousies and envy, racial hatred and discrimination through the predator mind among the peoples. Those who are treated like sub humans who grow to live and think like feral animals. They become like the predator in their ignorance. They believe that war is the answer to appease an angry God. The false father God of religion. In these days we often know the atrocity of war. We know of, or hear, guns, rockets, drones, tanks, air bombing, bombs as if they are normal activities to kill masses of people in this world. We see pictures of death and murder in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Congo, Nigeria, Sudan, Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine, Central African Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala. All across this world and globe in major power zones in our beloved planet these areas are ravaged by predators who seek to control this earth.

Beloved mother and father, families of Christ, wrap all in each of these people in your unconditional love and reveal to them the truth to their eyes to see, let them know in their hearts peace, and may they feel these words. ‘Come to me all those that suffer and cast thy burden in so that I will give you rest’. Throughout this year we have heard weapons and seen the blood of mass shootings and gang violence throughout Los Angeles, Detroit, Minneapolis, Miami, in Denver and in many other cities and towns and villages across this particular nation, and into the world. Beloved mother and father, families in Christ, wrap each of these people in your unconditional love and reveal to them the truth to their eyes to see, let them know in their hearts peace, and may they feel these words ‘Come to me all those that suffer cast thy burden so that I will give you rest’. Violence continues hidden in so many homes and families across this world the abuse of innocent children. Beloved mother and father, families of Christ, wrap these people and these children in your unconditional love reveal to them the truth to their eyes to see, let them know in their hearts peace. May they feel and know these words ‘come to me all those that suffer cast thy burden in so that I will give you rest’.

In so many parts of the world today the air is tense with suffering, fear, uncertainty and insecurity from ravaged lands destroyed by war, from blackened hearts distorted from twisted pain, many people lift their hands to you. Many people refuse to know of your existence in spirit energy, refuse the existence of God or consciousness completely. Today with a pure heart we hope to instill knowing in the truth, and so that the language of humanity may return to earth as consciousness. May we communicate in love with each other again, and so we pray for stillness. We pray for truth. We pray for transparency. We pray to end deception and war mongering. We pray to end slavery of the people. And we pray for peace to come and to last. Beloved mother and father, families in Christ, wrap all in each of these people in your unconditional love. Reveal to them the truth to their eyes so they can see. Let them know in their hearts peace. May they feel these words ‘come to me all those that suffer, cast thy burden so that I will give you rest’. We pray for peace. We pray for peaceful existence between all those who have been used as pawns in a war over this earth. As it shows itself through the disease set forth in many of the negative ego interpretations of false religion, the negative alien religion, those that are in force throughout the world within many of the countries governed by the Israelis, the Palestinians, the Sunnis, the Shiites, Muslim, Jews, Christians and Catholics throughout this world. We pray between all of these groups, negotiations which can reach the roots of historical conflict. We bring to the surface that which is known as the Luciferian Rebellion. We ask that in the grace of God that these truths are revealed as fact to those who can help to heal this world with love, as true representatives of God. We pray for a commitment to human rights. We pray to learn world humanism through all sides and the protection of all lives, to be under the gentle hand of the original spirit. We pray for effective, international intervention and Guardian support in all ways that honor the cosmic sovereign law of one, to ensure equilibrium is replaced to all sides in the larger pieces of our galactic and human histories. May all have equal right and alignment to learn, to be educated, to evolve and to develop an alignment to their true and natural spirit. We pray for humanitarian aid and rebuilding to those families, to those children and people, where horrible destruction has occurred. May they find hope to build and move forward in peace. We pray for peace and for equilibrium to honor life and humanity in our own neighborhoods, our homes, on the city streets, in the current spaces of which we live, and hold the love of God in our heart to bring peace into our own neighborhood, into our nations and into this world. Beloved mother and father, families in Christ, wrap all and each of these people in your unconditional love and reveal to them the truth to their eyes to see, let them know in their hearts peace and may feel these words ‘we pray with all of our heart, mind and might for an end to violence, war and death, as well as the torture that is wielded upon the innocence of human beings. Grant us hope to return to a peaceful God to the hearts of humanity. Grant us hope to see a peaceful world again.

Our clarion call is one with the right hand of God as we declare freedom for all, as stewarded into our care through divine choice. In this stillness let the healing begin for We Are Unity. May our session together hold peace, love, healing and joy for each and every person here today to be protected in God's eternal light. I am the cosmic sovereign law made manifest. May we now begin and prepare for our session.

Today as we bring forth into the awareness of the Luciferian Rebellion, holding the field and shield, very strongly through observer point. Again authentically declare your intention in your heart fully connected to unity intelligence of Krystal Star Christ consciousness. May you boundary test in your personal space, taking a nice deep breath, extending the love in your heart through your breath, moving through your heart counterclockwise, extending into your entire space. Boundary test. I am God. I am sovereign. I am free. Through the group session and through our individual being we perform axiatonal alignment and correction of all reversal polarities in the field, shield or personal aura. Left to right. Right to left. I Am Unity. Balance, center and stabilize our group shield core. We reconnect all spiritual energetic communication links. Beloved God, beloved Christ, beloved families of guardians, we appeal to that which is the communication and language of our original race and species to be reclaimed and reset into our being here and now. As God would have it be. May our language cease to be confounded and that which is fully recognized, deciphered, understood and comprehended in the language of God. The language of creator. The language of our holy mother of which is reinstated her creational codes, here today and now. Thank you thank you thank you.

We again bring forth the amplifiers of the reanimator force of our beloved Krystal Star guardian Aurora teams. Mother Arc. Yod of Father God. Double Diamond Sun Body. Aurora. Solomon Shield. Melchizedek Ur. Solar King. Krystal Waters. Paradisian Sun. Celestine Fire. Holy Sepulchure and Hieros Gamos.Through the wedded garment robes of God, I command and claim this space as sacred through the intent consecrated fully, through the holy chalice, the staff of power of our mother, to the holy rod of the magenta wand of father God, together united through the Krystala Krystal rainbow body. Beloveds through all planetary grid networks represented here today, Great White Lion, Golden Eagle, Sacred Blue Cow, Four Pillars of Man, Mother Arc Hubs, and Aurora Portal Networks. Together may we achieve our goal in the highest expression of God's divine plan on this earth through the reclamation of Christ here and now. Within our group field we set shadow vortex. Again in this visual and horizontal field we have not entered the area of Cornwall as of yet. We are setting an architectural field that will be descended into the area shortly. Holding this field in the horizontal and vertical from the space, with deep space, above this planet and earth, from the North Pole access layers through Polaris north pole, through the Aurora clouds that are on the top of the northern pole area of our planet. Again we apply core soul protection for session visitors or displaced entities. And we hold our clear intention today, in the healing, the revelation, the clearing, the brought forth of the architecture of patterns that have resulted in the Luciferian Rebellion and many histories of war, galactic war, planetary war, historical wars of enemy pattern, which are buried in the cellular memory of these histories which have reached their apex at certain times within these galactic war cycles.

Luciferian Rebellion is approximately 26,000 years ago and goes beyond the Atlantian cataclysm root race from that time about the Holocene period 10,500 BC. The causation of this particular rebellion is during the second seeding of the race where the annunaki began the breeding of the nephilim approximately 75,000 years ago. This created a conflict in this particular location and demographic of origin. This created war without annunaki and annunaki sympathizers, as well as many of the intruder races. The nephilim wars ended the second seeding as we reorganize the Luciferian Rebellion occurred approximately 26,000 years ago. It is through this moment in time, through spiral time, which we access this particular area to be brought into divine witness through our beloved teams, through our avatar of ascending consciousness, that we resign from the mind control program of the Luciferian Rebellion. Here and now, terminate the Luciferian Rebellion program from this mind control matrix and warring architecture of enemy patterning, victim victimizer patterning, and the trauma and abuse subsequently and consequently caused, from this particular program. Clearly stated as Guardian regent as so set forth within the laws of structure here and commanded into presence, we resign from any further and all involvement in the mind control matrix of the intruder races, Luciferian Rebellion. We resolve and resign from this game of war and through the various subsidies of which this has created fully completely and totally. In connection to our planetary Logos and mind, in the consecration of this planet through Guardian and Krystal Star host, we are free from the entanglement, attachment, disturbance now and forever through that which has caused the Luciferian Rebellion. Our authority is taken as the eternal living Christ Sophia in God's authority. Through the power of the holy presence of mother restored to this Earth through the Sophianic body of her heart, I command this space sacred in the name of God and consecrated to the service of the eternal and one source light. With the intent, consent and authority of God, we address all spirits, all entities, all extra dimensionals, creatures, involved in this game. You are being read your rights, for this container is to contain these entities, energies and spirits as we address them now fully.

All entities, spirits, extra dimensional beings and consciousness, involved in the Luciferian Rebellion, mind control program polarity game are claimed in their God-given right. You have the right to self determine. You have the right to choose wholeness and to own your own sanity in consciousness. You have the right to leave this Luciferian Rebellion, and its war enemy patterning control matrix to terminate, complete and end this game permanently now. You have the right to leave this and you have the right to end your own suffering, pain, torment and insanity now. You have the right to choose and ultimately you are free in God's eternal light. In this moment you have two choices through alternative layers of evolution. That which must be chosen in this moment or will have consequence into the corruption and distortion of your consciousness further. You have the right to return to God's light through the holy presence of mother which has returned through the Aqua Ray and Arc. This Mother Arc has been reclaimed in the creational code which now has been restored to her. Return through the Mother Arc or to the time space continuum of your space of origin to continue your evolution of consciousness through the next level of the planet global or solar schema. Holy presence of God, through the clarion call of our brothers and sisters to those that serve the cosmic sovereign law principalities, Thrones, through those of the Cherubim through those that have been under the hierarchies of the Elohim. Those Creator spirits ofdevichan those of the angelic hierarchies, beloveds please assist and transport all entities as long as is truly you, choose this transition and transport to fully leave this earth. As sovereign freedom as consecrated to God with all intention now is chosen. You are assisted through your transport and exit, through the appropriate levels of transit as holy and divine mother presence, holy and divine father presence, our true holy parent, would have it be.

Beloved Aurora as we extend this through the group field North South East West nodes of Aurora and the divine calculus of Krystal Cathedral, Krystal spires and Krystal Palace. In the heart and palace of the indwelling of the liquid plasma Christ spirit, we direct the corners of the intended house of God in the Krystal Cathedral sealed in the light and order of the arc and Krystic ones. We anchor and gate this space and sacred service to the cosmic sovereign law in unity, wholeness and truth. Anchor in Cornwall now. See the Krystal Cathedral architecture and God mathematics pouring into the Cornwall area of United Kingdom. Again looking from the Celtic or Celtic Sea moving 45° angles into and through main point of Exeter. Holding the first pillar of Krystal Cathedral, from the center of the Celtic Sea moving into Exeter at a 45° angle, North East. Ok from the point of Exeter moving in a radius, a circular radius circle, moving horizontal. This is an anchoring of a Krystal spire in Exeter. Focus with all of your might your hearts your will of God in Christ Holy Spirit anchoring a sound pillar of the Krystal spire in Exeter.

We are continuing to move north to approximately the Bristol area. Moving towards Bristol 45° angle North East in the center of Bristol holding again anchoring from the sphere within deep space, it's like seeing a shield of a massive geometric Castle of the Krystal Cathedral. This is an architecture of divine calculus coming from again the Krystal Cathedral, Krystal Palace, Krystal spires. These are aspects of the Krystal Star architecture which aligns to the law the structures that can hold the indwelling of Christ spirit. Again in the speaking of holding of plasma, holding of specific qualities of the liquid plasma light, a structure is required. This is what we are focusing on, this is called the Krystal Cathedral. We are literally building like building a house, under construction. We are laying the frame for this right now in Bristol. Again focusing a vertical, it's like a vertical pillar coming down from a horizontal network of deep space above this area. This is like an Aurora cloud ship above this area holding a field which allows us to connect a vertical-horizontal alignment into these particular areas. Focusing from above deep space, moving down towards the earth, our second connector point is Bristol.

This particular architecture seems to be also being laid in place at this time to balance the Rosy Cross and crucifixion inserts that move up, coming in again the center of the United Kingdom and I believe the top of that ending somewhere up around Carlisle Castle or so. Again through the center of United Kingdom we have a Rosy Cross in a pattern moving basically in the center so it looks like through the Cornwall area where the 12 dimensional Mother Arc is. I feel this architecture is being laid as support eventually to help remove the center Rosy Cross or crucifixion pattern in the earth, in the center of the United Kingdom, which apparently has deep relationship to the histories involved in the Luciferian Rebellion, as well as the Atlantean cataclysm. Okay now we are moving towards across the, I believe this is the Irish Sea, going to the landmass of Ireland from Bristol. Was not expecting that. Moving in a North West towards, lets see what that is. I'm looking at a map to try to understand where this is. At the very tip of what looks to be Rosslare Harbor on the tip of Wexford area and Rosslare Harbor, Kilmore Quay in this area sort of outside of Waterford in Ireland. This is the St. George's Channel area. So again, moving from Bristol, we are moving into the landmass across the Irish Sea into Wexford, Rosslare Harbor, across St. George's Channel.

Its right basically in the middle of this landmass across from St. George's Channel, again the map does not show, I wish right now, I am looking at it right now but we all just hold by Lady’s Island Lake right at the tip this islet, is where the Krystal spire is anchoring. Holding the position on this area of the Ireland landmass around fittingly called Lady’s Island Lake across from the St. George's Channel.

Again seeing sound pillar of plasmic light coming from above this horizontal plane of an Aurora cloud ship, plasma ship moving down to this horizontal area of the earth in a very large radial circle, again these areas seing them built once they touch the ground, seeing then spiral out in a concentric circle moving outward, getting larger. This one is partially in the water, and partially in the land, meaning as I see this moving across St. George's Channel and anchoring itself in the circumference around Lady's Island Lake at the islet of Ireland, seeing the epicenter move out in concentric circles, this is very very large. Its like saying we are building the pillars, but they are absolutely humongous, so it looks like what I'm seeing is that I look at the architecture of the thread being placed as an epicenter to hold the construction, and then seeing the sound pillar move out circularly, creating a radius and some of these areas are damaged so it takes a moment, it takes some time. I can see we are like laying the foundation of the architecture in these areas that will be continued to be built upon, but this is the foundation of holding the structure very much like building a house. We have to have a foundation and in essence what were doing right now is pouring the cement of the foundation for a house, except in this of course it's the liquid plasma light of Christ consciousness, but the foundation of the Krystal Cathedral is being built in concentric circle pillars that act very similarly to the foundation on a house or a building or a structure.

We're still in the focus and from whatever you may feel at this time coming from deep space, through the Aurora plasma ship down into this area of the earth, sort of a horizontal vertical and then another horizontal movement in circular radial patterns moving out, again a circular spiral moving out, that is building a foundation horizontally in a circle on this area of the landmass.

Okay now were going to Cork. In Cork, Ireland except a little bit more out towards the coast, looks like Cork is a little bit inland, its basically parallel right there perpendicular there to Cork moving down a little bit to the entry of the islets. The little sea here of Cork, coming down, lets see if we find where is that location, sort of Crosshaven area down into the opening of which looks like it says Roscoff ferry. So moving through the ferry alignment into the areas that kind of go into Cork, there's an islet opening that looks like Roscoff ferry that leaves into Cork. It's towards the seacoast here of Crosshaven, Fountainstown, Whitegate is what shows on the map. Trabolgan Holiday Village towards the coast, it's at the coast right where that islet opening is. Let's see if there's anymore, not a lot of descriptors in the area. Church Bay, Crosshaven Hill, and Roches Point lighthouse terrace in the Trabolgan area, or the not having been to Ireland, the Ballyknock area and moving out.

Focusing now for fourth layer of the pillar. Guardian of the fourth pillar, please anchor the sound light pillar of our Krystal Cathedral here. Again secure the foundation fully and completely. Okay right when this happened, now feeling a lot of stuck entities coming out of this. This was an area of tremendous death energy. Interesting again you know feeling energy of suicide. Feeling energy of hanging. Feeling energy of, you know death. A lot of death, a lot of suicide. I think this is a program. I think this is a software. Okay there is a software in this area. This is a part of victim victimizer software. Victim victimizer software clearing, beloveds we asked to assist in the release and removal of all fears of rejection of God, self rejection, losing identity, losing sanity, losing soul, delusional mental fragmentation related to victim victimizer software programs in this area. Please clear victim of trauma. Please clear victimizers of trauma. Please clear controller program software of victim victimiser suicide in this area, death, killing, suicide, controller programs. Please correct these reversals within victim victimiser software and replace the organic matrix. There's a lot of shadow selves, theres a lot of negative forms in this area.

So again STS sweep. May we continue to remove shadow bodies, dead energy bodies, black matter bodies. Clear miasma, addiction, parasites, entities, SPE's and archons, alien software. Okay specific victim victimizer layers of suicide related to these programs feeding within these areas across this, what it feels like its a connection. It is the split between masculine feminine splitting, gender splitting. What we are hitting into again is levels of understanding that landmass also act in certain energetic counterpart to each other, the Irish or Ireland landmass and the British or English landmass, they work together as a unit energetically at some level and again as the King or Queen principle or mother or father principle, they have been unable, that energy has been split that energy, so its like the splitting, this is very interesting because this relates to the microcosm of the breakdown of the family unit. The splitting apart of mother and father. The divorcing of mother and father and what that does to the offspring, it's interesting because I can see that this is an unconscious mind control type of program that is propagated to separate loving unions, to separate marriages, to separate men and women, fathers and mothers from each other, and to create orphans. To create orphan children. Lonely children. Suicidal children. And its interesting whether the parent is there or not, meaning through the divorce of the parent, the child created through the divorce of the mother and father is an orphan, whether both parents are there or not, because the parent, the parents are unable, the mother and father are unable to embody the balance of what mother and father is, male and female is. So this is another propagation of false parent. This creates the false parent phenomena. This creates the attraction to procreate children with the false negative form of who and what you are. I can see this that a part of this has been distorted even though karmically many people will choose to be married to a spouse that they have histories in another lifetime of being killed by or abused by, or some traumatic type of history. We all have an opportunity to heal that but of course that information is hidden and not known so that lack of knowledge of karmic understanding of energetic understanding is then used to manipulate the people involved in coming together in karmic histories, marrying that karmic history, coming together with that karmic history which is doomed to fail, which is doomed to misery, which is doomed to suffer sexual misery and splitting apart and, again whatever is the product of that union is a orphan, traumatized, lonely, abused child, because again the child, the product of those parents, is distorted horribly in pain and suffering because again as we all now from our community, the sins of the father is inherited by the son. Meaning the unresloved conflicts of pain and suffering in our mother and father and ancestors, keep getting compounded because the offspring inherit those particular emotional distortions, mental distortions, belief systems etc. sort of like it's a part of what gets recorded in the unconscious mind. The first dimensional again that red wave layer of the unconscious mind works as a storage unit to carry these memories of the past, the present, the future all at once, and so these memories get compiled and recorded in that unconscious layer and they are carried over from the genetic, the ancestral, the family of origin of the false parents. So I really what I'm feeling here is that we are coming to a key area where the causation or origination and software of false parent exists, and again there may be more of them on the planet but this area is an area which clearly is being used within the victim victimizer cycle within the enemy and war patterning of the original Luciferian Rebellion in the Galactic wars that have been built upon these hidden galactic wars. Meaning the wars the Holocaust the killing the murder we see on this earth today are all, every single one of them, the one in Iraq the one in Palestine the one in Israel or wherever it is, each and every one of these wars is connected to Luciferian Rebellion meaning that all intersect with each other. They are a part of the same causal seed of the histories of our earth. So within this particular area not only are we looking at causation of Luciferian Rebellion, meaning the sort of Ground Zero of where the causal lines that trigger that into the planetary consciousness and the collective consciousness of this earth, we are also looking at gender splitting but at this particular level we are seing where the mother and father have been split apart and distorted in so that they become the false parent that are attracted karmically to produce orphan, lonely, suicidal children, meaning the offspring starts out with this karmic super imposed load, and so again making it very difficult for the new soul coming in, or actually the soul coming into a new body being able to be equipped to deal with all of this trauma because it's being inherited by the children. And again without that particular awareness of what has happened to our planet, I'm releasing the amplification of how much worse it is because in the last hundred years we have been subjected to very sophisticated alien militarized weaponry of psychotronic control of the mind of the human being which was not like this prior to a hundred years ago. The crucifixion implants were in the planet, there was a suppression of consciousness, there was spiritual oppression, but the level of mind control that is being used in these software systems to control the consciousness of human beings is much more amplified and aggressive today, which means the yield of accumulation of this distortion is carried into the children, carried into the offspring and so I feel that in this area this may be obvious through common sense to recognize why these areas have such a high suicidal rate of both adults and children in these areas because of the pain that has been unresolved that is sort of the epicenter of this area.

So with this epicenter of this program being used in this way, and this again would be like understanding this is a subsidiary of victim victimizer. You take victim victimizer and you realize that it has multiple levels of archetypes within the planetary level of what human beings will relate to as a form of identity and they play this out. So again if you are a parent and of course your unconscious you, if you are a mother, if you are a father, this is an overlay in the collective consciousness that you will naturally kind of be subjected to as it is superimposed on you, unless you are conscious. Unless you are aware. Unless you feel what's going on and again as we know most people don't feel. So this is an area of tremendous amount of negative form bodies, shadow bodies, black matter bodies, all kinds of weird creations, specifically for today and the overlay of looking at enemy patterning related to Luciferian Rebellion, this is victim victimizer programming related to false parent. Again the false parent what it's designed to do. Split gender, split mother and father apart, create incredible trauma and pain in the offspring of the mother and the father, meaning whatever their offspring is will inherit this incredible pain because mother and father are split. So this is what we are looking at.

Clear controller programs. Clear the false parent. We ask to assist in replacing organic matrix of the Krystal Star host to help correct these mutations and reversals in this area. Again all assistance that is appropriate and allowed to help heal mental body damage, emotional body damage, in these areas. May we assist in the clearing of these controller programs and again, okay what I'm seeing now is a massive sort of portal which is an exiting. This is a clearing of negative form bodies, shadow bodies, just debris. It almost looks like this is not a Mother Arc portal. I'm not sure what this is. Its coming from the bottom of the Aurora plasma cloud. Its sort of like a vacuum tunnel. Looks like a vortex that is just cleaning this area out, and the area this looks like just toxic waste, black matter, dead energy, black energy. It looks like a garbage waste actually coming through here.

Again holding simple triad sweep in continuing beloveds thank you thank you. Clearing miasma, black energy, shadow bodies, negative forms and all of the parasites, entities, creatures associated with these forms. May we again continue to dismantle and defuse the alien software related to false parent and victim victimizer controller programs. Thank you.

Continuing with planetary miasm links. Levels of this black energy and miasm are connected to certain timelines further, and certain types of structures and events. Clearing again. Archetypal programs placed in the ancestral and genetic histories of the human race. Again these are miasm links that are connected to genetic deteriation.

Addressing all parallel clones, parallel negative forms, and NRG spun out negative forms being used in this victimizer program. Clear planet miasm links to these artifacts and controls, and their entities. Please dismantle psychotronic warfare in this area. Okay that psychotronic warfare has a blueprint level. Clearing psychotronic warfare of suicide, suffering, pain, fear. Okay these are reclaiming parts, collapsing timeline, now repairing DNA and creational code in this area. Sets of master number codes and pulsation rates and master tone keys being downloaded now. These are fire letters. Again arrangements of light symbol code to arrange master tones in a different base code. This is Mother’s body. Again repairing DNA sequence combinations of master tone keys. 108 harmonics 45° angles. Now we go into crystal mapping into this area. Okay crystal keys within master tone key base structure within this particular area. Crystal combinations. Silver crystal. Gold crystal. Sapphire crystal. A crystal combination of customize crystals and a specific Aurora Crystal in re-encryption. Thank you. Okay Crystal mapping within the crystal key combination in diagonal channel, beloveds reset clockwise male and counterclockwise female in rotational spin in the diagonal channel through the repair of the clock shield in the Aurora re-encryption keys, master key codes and upgrades through the Aurora Shield.

Through this diagonal channel and through the spinning out of what looked to be again clockwise counter-clockwise repair of clock shield, at the moment clock shield started showing architecture, again clock shield is related to the timeline itself. Many creatures of the earth came to take a part of this, so some of these feel like land creatures, land animals. A lot of this feels like aquatic because we are in the water. A lot of this is outside the water of Ireland and Irish Sea, so feeling the again whale, cetacean, dolphin, fish and the various aquatic sea life shelfs, I mean crustaceans, all kinds of different levels of the ocean is receiving sound tone through the diagonal channel related to these master key codes. I feel like, it's like seeing something is spun out into the field and it looks like glitter. It makes me laugh because I'm always so, I prefer not to see glittering dolphins on the New Age websites, but oddly enough I'm kind of seeing that here, that there is a glittering, and its small it's like a particle but it's glittering, almost opalescent, pearlescent, irridescent. It changes colors. It looks silver from afar as you look at it, a glitter confetti coming through this Aurora upgrade into the water. It's a particle level of some kind of crystal. Like a water crystal. But specs very small very small, but being carried into this area of the earth and being held, consumed, or integrated, with animal kingdom in this area. Very interesting. Primarily sensing again aquatic but I'm also feeling birds and animals in this area that are indigenous to Ireland of which I don't know at this time, but again seeing mostly birds around this area, capable of carrying, holding, consuming this particle. Holding that.

Again holding gratitude and appreciation through each of the creator spirits of the animal kingdoms. Thank you thank you thank you for your help, for your support in anchoring this master keycode of Aurora upgrades.

Continuing again STS sweep there is still a massive amount of black matter being vacuumed out of this area, is a way I could describe it. And this is not going through Mother it's going directly to the Aurora ship so that is a different combination. Again this is through diagonal channel. We know the diagonal channels, the diamond sun channel, when we adjust the diagonal this is the diamond. The diagonal channel is a part of what leads us to the building of diamond heart, the Sophianic body correction so it does make a lot of sense actually that the animal kingdom recognizes Mother. The coming through the diagonal channel this is a level of again the aliveness, the Mother returning to reclaim her creatures, to help her creatures, to inspirit her creatures. Thats what this feels like.

Little parts of the particles almost being parts of the diamond heart, little parts of the diamond heart hologram, thats what it looks like, these little particles have almost like little seeds for diamond heart but they're not matter, even though it's a particle. I guess matter in the sense of looking that a solid form it looks something that's not solid. But very very small. And just holding gentle focus in this area. Outside of the Ireland coastline into the islet the inlet area near Cork, Ireland.

So as we again anchor the four Krystal spires or sound pillars in these particular areas again the four (4) acts as the foundation to hold the Krystal Star architecture in this particular area which in a sense duplicates itself the four (4) become eight (8). The eight (8) become twelve (12). The twelve (12) then become sixteen (16) its like the complexity of the base math of these four actually build upon each other, so again the importance apparently for today was to thread within these areas, this particular area, which appears to be serving the purpose, multiple purposes, but certainly one purpose, is to connect Krystal Star connectors between the landmasses which are acting as counterparts to each other, but have been in a sense understanding that false parent and that divorce split theres something about the Ireland and the England energies being spun out to divorce each other from being able to unite. So for whatever reason today is bearing witness of the Krystal Cathedral foundation being built which seems to serve multiple purposes in moving to another stage of being able to release the crucifixion implants. I can tell that's not our role today. Our role is to get the Krystal Cathedral foundation in this area between Ireland and England or Britain, and be able to I guess help with the Aurora plasma ship in being able to get a lot of the architecture of victimizer out of there that is perpetrating this gender splitting, specifically as described again with mother father and creating that ancestral karmic overlay in the children which leaves such a feeling of desperation and helplessness and orphan and isolation and all of that.

So okay. Beloveds in continuing crystal mapping and diagonal channel. Okay coming into mental body connection, correction. So what we are looking at is within the set of four. We have four pillars in a radial circumference in Exeter, Bristol and then the coastline outside of Cork again some of our Ireland peeps may be able to tell us what that area right on the coastline is, and then up across by St. George's Channel off around that area almost by Wexford but more at the point over there. That is the four areas of the sound pillars of Krystal Cathedral being laid. As these are laid together as the four, diagonal channel repair is being brought online through a series of crystal keys that are being customized and then placed in diagonal channel, meaning the diamond grids that move diagonally in the leylines and as those diagonal channels are undergoing some kind of Aurora upgrade which again I explained to you from a visual that I can only see, maybe some of you are having your own visual, but a type of tiny tiny piece of glitter that looks like a part of a diamond heart. It is like some kind of Aurora upgrade or key coming into that particular area to help the earth, the land, the animal kingdoms, be able to I think connect and hold this in the area as well. And now we go into mental body clearings that impact these four and I would say this is in a sense understanding Krystal spires, Guardian pillars these are sound color wave pillars being threaded as a type of foundation to build upon a Krystal Cathedral in this area which is Krystal Star architecture. It means being able to run plasma light. Being able to bring plasma light to this earth.

Now going into mental body corrections within these four sections of these areas. Correction of mental body clock shield. So again this is a type of rotation in the clock shield that impacts mental bodies in this area happening. Again small degree rotation to help integrate bodies and modulate frequencies in the area seen again tiny tiny even smaller than 5° just tiny little increments of rotation. Again the support to modulate frequency, again help the plasma modulate itself to integrate bodies and clear blockages within these particular areas which allow the running of the appropriate plasma lines of frequency in this area. Again correction of the phasing of these plasma light energies, phasing corrections as it comes into I guess particle electromagnetism what it does to that calibration of the area.

Okay as we calibrate all of these nets start popping off. Okay so in your minds eye similar to a spider web net, a bunch of nets in this area. Looks like metal chain fences basically. Those are electrostatic nets. Again see them popping off the earth and being dissolved, because those electrostatic nets only work in alignment to when the diagonal grids are moving at a certain level and when the magnetics are compressed at a certain level. So when we change the magnetic compression in an area where leylines and energy have been running because remember alien architecture, most of it that I have found so far, is in the earth because of the way the reversal electrons in these other patterns are running, so when we have reversible electron, reversal patterns of energy, the alien architecture is coded to be held in place, its sort of like magnetic gravitational think of gravity. Without that gravitational force things fly off the earth. Thats what this does. They created like a false force that acts like gravity and that gravity compacts the energy into them and a type of matter form and thats what the frequency nets are. They are some sort of matter form that we can't see again because again they are in the invisible light spectrum, but that is the net held in place as a frequency fence which is using the planetary magnetic field to compress itself like a gravitational force. And when we understand Mother coming back and Mother returning to this earth and changing the magnetic structure of planet, this again is very much a threat obviously to the negative alien agenda because they're using a lot of the magnetic forces of the earth in specific patterns that they have preset into codings or ranges or perimeters where the alien architecture will work in that magnetic field. When the magnetic field starts changing, they start getting again holes in their little fence. Very similar to the invisible fences that have been created for dogs not to leave a yard. You can't see the fence but it's basically an electronic, they get electrocuted or they get a really intense sound, if they pass through the fence. Even though you cant see it. This works the same way. So electrostatic nets clearly were all over the place, and as I'm looking at these electrostatic nets once we started to adjust and modulate the phasing of the plasma frequencies able to come into these structures of four, rotated the Crystal, rotated the crystal rotations in the area, to change these things started popping off. And it's like sections of the net. You know almost like if you are looking at sections of a chain-link fence falling over. But once, its interesting when you think of a gravitational force, this is the first time I have ever seen it kind of like this, is the fences being capped, compressed in a certain parameter of the time space field by magnetic force. You change the magnetic force, the electrostatic net starts flying up like there's nothing holding it down, it's not nailed into the ground so to speak, it's been held in place by magnetic force. As that magnetic force changes it starts floating up that I notice that it starts dissolving at the higher d(imension) and it just keeps floating and then all of a sudden it starts to disintegrate because whatever substance they have used to, oh I see, so they have used a particle substance of the earth. So its like saying a part of the earth elemental structure is used to construct these electrostatic nets. Once that substance is out of its range of frequency it ceases to exist in the same form. This is very similar to when we were talking in this month's newsletter about conversion or transference of energy. That all energy is neither created nor destroyed but it can be transferred and converted, and that's exactly what happening right now so in however way you want to bring that into your consciousness, seeing the electrostatic net be released from the gravitational-like magnetic force that was keeping it compacted and in place on the earth as it moves up into the higher dimension it reaches, I noticed at a higher d(imension) probably when the plasma starts coming in from Aurora, when we get into higher dimensional fields or this starts moving into a different section of the field, it's not able to hold its matter anymore. Its shape starts to fly apart and thats what I'm seeing, it's disintegrating and the pieces of it are flying, like flying, it looks like dust particles actually. This is probably a part of all the dust particles that we have been feeling in the field lately. This toxicity, this dirt, this dust, this stuff flying in the energy of the earth, this certainly looks like that.

So again beloveds, and that which needs to be assisted in the sweeping and clearing of electrostatic nets and their debris, please assist in clearing these nets of their dead issues, dead particles, and whatever these structures are to be, okay then, released, cleared, transmuted into their appropriate channel.

A tremendous amount of energy flow in these areas where the electrostatic net came out. It's interesting, I feel that this is a piece of the net. It's not the whole net. The whole net can’t come down. I understand there's some kind of again, humanity has become used to magnetic disturbances as a norm, you know meaning that what we think is reality in the end with the way magnetics work. I am seeing that this area where this electrostatic net has been taken out is inside the four corners that we just put here. So I feel like they've done it mostly in the water which is kind of interesting, more than on the land. This may be again to do this gradually so that there is a place the Krystal Star and guardians can work from in a more productive way, without these nets. And as well I feel not that they're not going to find out, but I feel that it's sort of, it's not in the main areas of the landmass were the people are, so it feels like it's a gradual placing it here where the average human being will not be, have to get used to this change, because you have to remember plasma is a very high frequency. Most of the people on this earth are not attuned to that and again it can harm them if they are not ready for it. So this feels like a stairstep of somehow creating a foundation for something where our teams can work, where those of us I pray those of us that live in these areas feel more safe and supported as well, because we know this is such a stronghold of these various NRG Armageddon victim victimizer systems. A lot of that is here because we understand that you know again this is the epicenter of Luciferian Rebellion.

So bringing this into awareness, and again holding the highest expression in service to God, beloveds we ask to again continue in the assistance of clearing electrostatic nets which impair mental bodies, split mental bodies. Tthis also feels that it was a part of splitter technology in the United Kingdom areas. As we know splitter technology, NRG is another splitter technology. Its design is to split apart the triad. So again when we understand the trinity of energies, the balance of bringing certain energies into a trinity wave, the splitting apart into polarity there are alien structures that do that on purpose to again create biwave polarities, extreme disturbances in the field this way.

So it feels like this is a major area where plasma and Krystal Star architecture will begin a space where the families of Krystal Star have a place to access this area because again we have to remember that those in plasma fields, the kundaray and beyond into the different universes, descending into this kind of density is not easy for this level of consciousness. We have to create the space for it, we have to create the structure for it. We have to call upon it in order to again open that hole in the net and create the handshake with our Christ consciousness family. It's very challenging for them to get close to physical matter in this timeline. That is of course why we're here. Understanding that we are the ground crew that make it happen. It will not happen otherwise. They cannot get in here without us. So we are again a part of that ground crew to help open the architecture here to make it possible. And of course this is why we are not liked by the Luciferian and other forces who are none too happy that we are working this way.

So anyway, understanding that's what were doing here today an exchange of much more energy flow is going in between that particular level of architecture seeing a lot of flow of organic Aurora currents. Again these are the Aurora rays coming in. We've been undergoing a lot of change to the seven ray system. We were having changes to again the way the energies come into the planet. These are again Aurora currents coming into this area. Definitely again should be a support to the planet, support to the life in the ocean in this area. It feels like again this is a Krystal Star hub. They are creating a Krystal Star hub here so that they can get closer to this madhouse that is the UK energy grid. Thank you thank you thank you.

Beloveds in continuing clearing of certain karmic layers in this particular area we continue to clear through the Luciferian Rebellion the karmic influences of inorganic machinery that has impacted attachments or fragments into the collective consciousness. Clearing karmic influences, moving into fragments and attachments of inorganic machinery related to Luciferian Rebellion. Okay first of all going into different rounds of time as the Luciferian Rebellion has transpired in a way, to find a language that we can understand in our mind 26,000 years ago we have to remember that that is like a number to just help us grasp levels in the time space field as a vector. Okay an event happened at this particular time, but this event also connects into other evolutionary rounds that impact planet, other planets, galactic rounds, universal rounds these are all evolutionary cycles of the way consciousness is experiencing itself at certain levels of the time field.

So we are moving into now Galactic round clearing in planetary gate twelce (12), planetary gate nine (9) planetary gate three (3). Okay so we are going for a moment in looking at those areas. In Kauai and the south of France, over into Ukraine, Russia, Caucasus Mountains, within the six layers, and then over into Bermuda area, Florida area over there. Clearing Galactic round timelines and events of inorganic machinery impacting Luciferian Rebellion. STS sweep. Clear Luciferian Rebellion and related timeline record through miasma, addiction, parasites, entities, suppressor parasite entities, alien software, their technology, the technological mind control, psychotronics. Please perform body retrievals now. Okay body retrievals in the 369 Gates just mentioned. And having to do with Rod. Having to do with Golden Eagle Grid.

Continuing to watch a retrieval of bodies. I think again this is monadic bodies, soul bodies, pieces of bodies that have been ravaged by war. Again we know that these areas have been war-torn at certain histories of the earth certainly we have a big problem in Ukraine right now so is very relevant into the recollection of bodies that get stuck within these areas. It kind of like saying, what happens is that when certain races or ages of bodies lets say get killed or are traumatized, the certain demographic that that person, that being lives in, an area lets say the Ukraine and undergoing the enemy patterning of war which is related to Luciferian Rebellion, Atlantean cataclysm, and many of the Galactic wars that have been hidden from humanity, within that particular gate when people are living in Ukraine and they die in war, they get stuck in the structure of the planetary star gate of that area because their consciousness, their body and especially because they haven't been given the information to know the process of transition of consciousness or what is God, you know all of the confusion we have on earth about what happens when the body drops, we don't know. So usually what happens is through the process of death and trauma like this, the bodies get stuck in certain areas they get stuck a lot of the times if the negative aliens are using those bodies they will throw them onto lets say the Golden Eagle Grid in the Middle East is a big stronghold for that. People die in that area, then they are attached through their pain and suffering to these particular grids of reality and their bodies are used as a power source to continue the cycle. So the same thing also happens with planetary gates. The gates become filled with the consciousness that was originally seeded or connected to that area and they roam the earth in that area, they become earthbound, or there's body parts that are there like parts of the monad, part of the energies, the structure is there. So again this Galactic round seen for whatever reason we have a moment where we can assist in the clearing of Luciferian Rebellion, inorganic machinery and various levels of mind control into the collective and ancestral lines that impacted for whatever reason they are saying galactic round three (3) and we are going into planetary gate 12, 9, 6, and 3. So this isnt the Mother Arc gate this is the actual planetary gate.

Its like creating the transharmonic gate of Mother Arc to intersect into these three main planetary gates in order to retrieve bodies. What I'm really feeling is that we couldn't get to those bodies until Mother Arc was in here. Meaning transharmonic gate and pillars were set and Mother was in this earth and we had the access to Uluru now and from that access I can see we can get the bodies that have been stuck there, so this means again human souls, human monads, you know consciousness of bodies, parts that have been strewn in these areas from a variety of reasons.

In continuing the holding of transit and support for Guardian, our guardian teams.

Again beloveds please assist in continuing to transit possession, transit any shadow creatures, negative forms, release bindings, and again provde Core Soul Protection for all transits at this time through the transharmonic gate alignments to these particular planetary gates so in named.

Okay now working with more levels of I think attachment to this area. Beloveds within the influences of these particular areas please clear attachment influences of ancestral genetic and other fragments and combinations that have been stuck within these areas in the clearing of these particular star gates again we do place the command of Return to Rightful Owner through universal law of intent consent and authority to the cosmic sovereign law. We ask within the particular demographic areas of which these star gates are being impacted that we again place Return to Rightful Owner. Collect and collapse the timeline and return to Mother Arc, or Mother transharmonic gates as again God and our Krystal guardianship would have it be.

We continue through historical timeline trigger events within the Return to Rightful Owner of these particular areas of the earth that have been set forth as a part of the clearing of bodies resulting from Luciferian Rebellion timelines. Clearing inorganic machinery and assisting in the further clearing of timeline triggers interrelated, intersected or connected we Return to Rightful Owner all beings that are included in any Luciferian covenant, any Luciferian war.

We include Egyptian invasion. Sumerian invasion. Knights Templar invasion. Essene and Cathar massacres. And all war timelines interrelated with the various holocausts and wars of invasion set forth upon this land, this earth, this consciousness. As the avatar of Christ, the eternal light of God that I am, I cancel these contracts and agreements of war that have been made with any entity guide or timeline in any reality. We ask that the termination of false matrices illusions that have obscured highest God alignment and purpose and mission within the past present and future. I terminate redemptive vehicle crucifixion contracts and related phantom systems from impacting the consciousness and all of the Christ bodies as related to these various systems set forth.

I declare the cancellation of these contracts irrevocable and permanent through all time fields, time frames and realities. Further I ask the Avatar of Ascension, the collective Avatar of Ascension, through Aurora races, Krystal Star matrix and advisory Council teams, to return all body parts, codes, DNA fire letters, creational codes, jewels, wings, energies, parts of body that had been misdirected, usurped, hijacked, we ask these parts of bodies to be returned now to the holy and divine Mother, and to the rightful owner of that being which is incarnated, in the name of self sovereignty herein stated and commanded into presence into single soul occupancy as God intended and would have it be.

We continue transits into single body soul occupancy, possessions, evictions and other possession types of entities, creatures and forms, of these hierarchies which have been created within the earth itself, their negative forms, their shadow bodies, and again the various things that have been created in reversal through rape, war, impregnation, through these various covenants that have been made with Luciferian or satanic force.

It is time to come to memories and influences. Clearing the grid system of the memories and influences related to the meridian system, leyline system of the earth in this area, within the area that we have set forth through Krystal spire and Cathedral foundation, we ask that the meridian and leyline structures in this area to be reset and cleared of memories and influences and reset into proper base pulse rhythm of the blueprint structures at cellular, DNA chromosomal, molecular, atomic, sub atomic, nuclei, sub nuclei, into the quantum field, into the energy to form and form to energy, birth transaction sequences which impact morphogenetic imprints in this area.

Please clear the central nervous system of our planetary brain in this area and connect organs of communication within the earth, again organs of communication within ourselves, organs of communication within the earth itself again, our prayer, our intention is holding the webwork of the central nervous system of the brain of our planet to transmit the appropriate communication and language of our true origin and spirit, our true relationship to Christ, our true understanding of our histories and so that these organs of perception, these organs of vital function in our body, may communicate with the highest expression of our divine blueprint as God would have it be.

We clear these through all timelines in the physical dimension, in the soul dimension, in the monad dimension, in the avatar dimension, and in the founder dimension. Into the now self, into the other selves, into the ancestral and genetic combinations, into the collective consciousness of this earth, through the universes and parallel realities, through all existences of past present and future, known and unknown, through all combinations, now.

Clear quantic field impact of the lunar moon chain magnetic disturbances that have collaborated with these quantic field disturbances. Again clear the inorganic field and all of the quantum particles, and dust particles, through all simultaneous dimensions and all simultaneous timelines, clear the interspace time influence of these memories and influences, beloveds. The un-manifest to manifest layers. The seven category sweep and general clearing through STS. Moving into the external impacts clearing negative and painful emotions, ego defenses, and ego bargaining. All negative resistances from fear and suffering, trauma and abuse. Clear the energy blockages in time, and clear the spiritual oppressions in time. We perform the structural alignments through the law of structure, the Krystal Cathedral and Krystal spires set forth here and now, this structure is a house and indwelling of the cosmic Christ consciousness, through the Krystal Star and through the various Aurora Guardian alliance teams, we consecrate and


(Transcript: December 15, 2015, Adela)